Why would you punish the man? Was he in another relationship and cheating as well? Did he know she was in a relationship? Not enough info. I don’t get it.
"Thou shalt not covet thy neighboors Wife"
Given the excessive misogyny found in almost all religions and Christianity in particular, for the life of me I never understood why any women would go along with it
@DarrelScot It just blows my mind that there are fewer women atheist than men in spite of this.
@Trajan61 totally agree and thus my comment. in my circle of friends its mostly women who continue to be the church goers despite all the evidence of why it often works against their interests
@bookofmoron Just goes to prove women aren’t as smart as they think they are. ?????
@Trajan61 or maybe less cynical
@Trajan61 women generally underestimate themselves; whereas men are over confident. But ho hum.
For the same reason that Hermey the Elf is practicing dentistry instead of building Santa's toys... both are fiction.
In other news, the Bible was written and edited by men who were a wee bit misogynistic.
Actually Santa was a real guy.
But Hermey the Elf was not.
@AndrewInVail True
@AndrewInVail Ah, the fatal flaw in the argument is that unless we have a full lineage of the Elven race we can only speculate. Hermey could well still exist in a land far, far away, we just don’t have evidence yet.
No, the Bible was written by men who were a whole lot misogynistic.
The men were also dyslexic they kept mean to write Dog but it came out backwards. And unlike their god — dogs are real and have been around a long long time
The story is a very late addition to the bible, possibly only added in the middle ages, and even if the bible is not total fiction, this story almost certainly is. And in any case the woman is not the point of the story but only exists to show up the falsehood of her accusers, it would work just as well if she were a man or a thief or a murderer the details are trivial.
There is a very common hypothesis among historians that most of the more liberal of the Jesus teachings are the later additions, and that the hard line old testament preachings were the only ones in the earliest lost copies.
Excellent response!
As I see it, mostly fantasy books, written by who knows who, then interpreted to meet the wants and needs of evangelical assholes.
Right after Jesus said that a meteor crashed into the ground leaving a smoking crater where the woman stood. Jesus looks to the sky, exasperated and says," Thanks Dad, I was trying to make a point."
It's a book that is supposed to be filed in the fiction aisle. The writers could make the story go any way they wanted it to go.
Asking why something in the bible happened is the same as asking why something happened in Game Of Thrones.
A ridiculous question.
Pretty sure I’m right on both answers
Nobody wonders why he didn't just insist NOBODY should be throwing stones? By leaving the criteria open to personal subjective interpretation, he's still endorsing a situation in which it's ok to throw stones. Typical religious hypocrite. Violence is still an acceptable solution when and if I determine it is.
Catch my next post on why Jesus threw a temper tantrum and kicked out the moneychengers.
In that passage it makes a big point of saying Jesus was writing on the ground with a stick in the dust, I'm guessing some kind of warning to back the fuck off maybe?
Pretty obvious if this was a prostitute they were her clients and they did not want to pay then perhaps their wives might have had an opinion on the matter, and under Jewish law a woman could divorce and demand recompence from an adulterous spouse.
It begs the question how Jesus knew all her clientele and her profession, but friend of whotres and money lenders and all that, makes for some juicy blackmail fodder.
Because men in that holy text are not held to any responsiblilty. They can rape women and its the womens fault if she doesnt scream loud enough during the raping.
I think you are on the wrong website to be quoting he bible ?
I don't think that at all. Its interesting and worth it to discuss these things
@Grecio I don't think that believers are necessarily stupid. Many of them are not that interested in learning and science. They are intersted more in relationships, communities of us rather than putting it all together by by analyzing the parts while trying to understand the whole. We humans are irrational by nature and it's a good thing. If we weren't we wouldn't be human. It would make perfect sense to kill grandma when she becomes a drain on our resources that we could otherwise use towards the future generations but we don't that. We are not robots. Beliefs are a part of that human irrationality. Unfortunately, on a global scale, religious beliefs do more harm than good but that is the best evolution could do. I guess. Tribal instincts in the age of weapons of mass destruction are a bad thing.
@Gregory2 True to a certain extent but the question has to be asked ‘Why would people hold a position against those ideas?’ Far more important than the content
Which Jesus? The White one, the Black one, the Korean one or the one cobbled together from a bunch of minor prophets to make the early Xstian religion?
He who is without sin, cast the first stone/
I don't do sin, I try to be good but I want to be bad, that's not a sin, it's just human nature.
The authors of the book and the rules were garden-variety misogynists.
That's the way there society worked back then and now. Women in middle eastern countries are treated like shit. They are almost second class citizens. Heck look at our own country back in the 16th centuries and still into the 21st century. They still are not paid the same as men in big businesses. In the military and government offices, it is a different story, but out in the business world, well hmmmf.
All the New Testament is mostly fiction but that particular story is even more questionable as it is not in the most ancient documents therefore to take it into consideration is a waste of time.
Whether the story is fiction or not is the point: the point is that women (more than men) were stoned for adultery. In this fictional tale, the man was not stoned and no one even inquired as to whom he might be.
It was all a setup, if they had been caught committing adultery both the man and woman would have been exposed, so Jesus just kinda looked at them, did some doodling in the sand (do you have any idea how much it has been discussed what Jesus was writing in the sand??), he was just messing with them, he knew the laws of adultery, he was a jew after all and knew their over 740 + laws, these are the laws that Jesus hated, so he told them go ahead and throw the stones and kill her but a caveat: that is if you have not committed any sins yourselves, just go ahead a do it He knew it was a set-up but also how stupid they were doing it that way!
Always liked that story. It's one of those that really illustrates the fairy tale quality of the bible, even without the magic parts.
An angry mob of self-righteous religious men, and not one of them believed he was without sin?
To answer your second question: Some men hate women and will take any chance to "legitimately" punish one.