I think that you should consider the shape of your face and all that. They all have bangs. Is that what you want? They are hard to grow back out again.
@Stephanie99 I've got to have bangs.
I am definitely biased toward long hair. Personally, I find short styles a big pain in the patootie to take care of. The chin length bob looks good, but, for me, would require smoothing, daily and, around here, is a common style. Longer hair can be worn up, down, swept back, and, for some, either straight or wavy. Very versatile.
Shortening in stages is not a bad idea. Then YOU will know what works.
You have gorgeous eyes. I suggest a haircut that draws attention to your eyes.
Ask the hair stylist to make suggestions.
But i like them both a lot, and I think they'd both fit your face.
Practical time - is it hot where you are? Go shorter.
If it's cold? Stay longer.
I like the last cut myself. I have enough hair for that one. Might just keep that one in a file....
@RavenCT I live in Texas, where we see all 4 seasons in one day!. Wednesday was 80 degrees, today, it's high is 32 degrees! ?
@SleeplessInTexas Next question - does it curl at all? Because that would require a huge time investment for the bob.
I swear my nephew's wife puts an hour in daily on her hair? And that's up to her of course - but yikes! Some things just shouldn't be that labor intensive if you can help it. (That or she has "unicorn hair" but I'm never going to ask!). lol
The third one.
Did you notice the UFO on the chest? rofl
Hair salons.... I used to have a hairdresser who wanted my hair for a show. Problem is it came with me and I was in college. She wouldn't have needed to add any hair to do the elaborate up-dos.
Ah my missed career as "Hair" model. lol
I've always preferred long hair on women and short hair on men. I don't like short hair on women because it makes them appear less feminine. Long hair is very feminine. My wife has long black hair. I particularly like it in my face when she's on top
Shoulder length with the sunglasses. It’s really versatile, fun and current.
Shorter or short, at least shorter than now. That's a lot of hair to maintain.......
I guess I'm the only one who prefers the third option with longer hair. Based on the photos you posted of yourself, the longer hair versions look the best to me. I realize that longer hair can be more work for you and that is a reason many women choose shorter hair as they get older. If you pick the third option now you could still change to one of the other options if you decide you don't like it.
The sunglasses shot is a very hot style now. The bob will take a lot of maintenance to keep looking that perfect. The longer style would be the easiest but seems a bit dated. I have had all those styles! I cut mine off when I got divorced and love really short hair on me.