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LINK Global insect decline may see 'plague of pests' - BBC News

Capitalism . . . leading to the destruction of the world. They will tell you it is the best system, but why is the environment being destroyed because of plutocratic greed? They will tell you that it is the best system, but if that were so, they would not have to invade other countries or foment coups in order to spread capitalism, and FORCE it on countries. If that was so, Libya would be better off today than it was before the cowardly NATO attack and the murder of Qadaffi.

The reason why capitalism is evil is because capitalism allows people to amass wealth far beyond that of other human beings, and far beyond the needs of a single person in a lifetime . . . which places more and more power in the hands of these wealthy individuals, who, as a result of their increase in power over others, become more and more separated from their fellow human beings, and begin to enslave their fellow human beings, and, worst of all, eventually begin to believe that they are superior to their fellow human beings, start to dehumanize their fellow human beings, warring upon them, or sending them off to fight in wars were they absolutely would never risk their own lives in, wars to aggrandize themselves ever more causing widespread suffering and death of their fellow human beings. These people begin to think that they are elite, special, kings or queens, chosen by "god" . . . . above the laws of nature even. The plutocrats who rule believe that they are "chosen", and that the masses are meant to serve them, and while they pretend to be the protector of the masses, they are actually the exploiters of the masses.
Meanwhile, those who are not in the upper echelons of society, as the power of those who are increases, begin to be more and more humiliated, dehumanized, and believe themselves to be powerless to change anything. They believe most readily what they want to believe . . . that god will help them if only they pray more, that their leaders have their best interests in mind, that if called to go fight somewhere, that there must be an enemy, and a good reason . . . . they become so humiliated and debased that they do not even bother to question why they are being sent to their deaths, why they are living in abject poverty, why they have no power whatsoever.
Capitalism brings out the very worst in man by introducing unfettered competition against one's own species, to the point of murderous competition, dehumanization, slavery, wars for profit, of aggrandizement, wholesale slaughter. . . . destruction of the world as a sustainer of life . . . in short, a reality that becomes a nightmare of annihilation, self-destruction.

THHA 7 Feb 12

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I don’t recall the Soviet Union being especially benign about environmental matters. They were very interested in increasing agricultural production—same with China—very developmentally oriented. Looking back in history, it seems to me that there have always been wealthy, powerful people. Long before the word “capitalism” was contrived wiley traders were becoming wealthy. Their wealth was not causing other people to be poor—it was just the opposite. The wealthy were wealthy because they were providing valued goods and services.

That’s great that you are so concerned about the separation of wealthy people from their fellow human beings. You must be a really good person to express such a sentiment. Unfortunately I am so busy with sudoku and what-not that I don’t have time to worry about the alienation of rich people. Maybe they could join the Y or something.


So.....are the Republicans killing the insects?

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