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Are you your own best friend ? How do you treat yourself as a person ?

Wildgreens 8 Feb 25

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Depends on my mood really


I'm trying to be. What's strange is I like me the most, out of anyone I hang out with regularly, but social rejection makes me doubt my own beliefs and behaviors until I have time to sit down and think about it.

1 I treat a spouse



Yes, as well as my own worst enemy


I am and we have great fun and conversations..I try to not be as down on myself as much as possible.


I have an abusive inner critic in my mind because of the home environment I grew up in; I continuously try to fight back against that. My relationships aren't that great, because I'm afraid to interact with people. I'm trying to fix that, as well, but more often than not I just end up staying inside rather than going out to find interesting people. Fail your way to success, I guess?

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