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First they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. -Gandi-


I am with her.


My kind of woman. Smart and sassy.


She scares the shit out of them.
That's why they attack her.


She is LEFT!


Right? About what? When? Where?

SCal Level 7 Feb 15, 2019

Sorry she does not understand economics very well and I hope she does so quickly.

Since it sounds as though you are the only one who understands economics very well and she does not agree with YOUR understanding of economics, then it is obvious she does not understand economics very well.

how about the economists that run the fed reserve & the economists that advise the treasury; do they understand economics?
if so why have they run huge budget deficits & run the national debt up to 23 trillion dollars?

And you do!


I thing you mean Congress

@jlynn37 25000 jobs the taxes they would pay the alrenative businesses it would have generated yes she needs to learn about the whole picture when speaking of economics.

@ToolGuy Have listen to his lectures but thanks anyway. Economics can be used to explain any view one wishes to take so it is important to also be a student of the event being discussed in an economic manner.

@ToolGuy No i just am warning that one must always examine the source and the message before one makes a judgement.This is not easy when people are using statistics to support their position but even these statistics can be made to say things that are but half truths. i have seen people who are not trained or familar with using these tools be made to draw an incorrect decision. One of these just cost my town 1 million dollars for an error in judgement.

@Marine ,
as winston churchill said: "there are liars, damned liars & statistics."

@Marine, @ToolGuy ,
"Because they know that the debt that they run up is somebody’s asset."
that used to be the case when countries were on the gold standard. it's hasn't been the case for many decades. the only assets backing up the USD are the printing presses. the paper they print is worthless. they're not backed by real estate, gold or any real assets. however, they do have cruise missiles & drones to force people to accept them for trade.

@Marine, @ToolGuy, @Jolanta ,

Jolanta, do i detect a hint of sarcasm in your post: "And you do!" took my a while to decide whether to reply or block you. but i blocked someone yesterday so don't want to get into that habit.
i did econ 101,102 required for my associates degree in business. i understand their graphs, curves.
my problem with the 1000s of highly paid fed reserve economists is that they're always wrong. didn't see the financial crashes in 1929, 1987, 2000 or 2008 coming despite all the data they supposedly crunch.
they are wall st whores. there is a revolving door between goldman sachs & the govt.
they should have let the shareholders in the big banks get wiped out in 2008. instead the govt bailed them out as the fed reserve kept lowering, & kept int rates, artificially low so the big banks could hide their bad paper outside of their balance sheets. now the debt is so huge as to be unpayable. but debt never disappears. it is either paid by the debtor or the creditor. the US govt can keep increasing the debt, possibly for many years, but the states cannot. the state of illinois & several others have huge unfunded pensions with which they will have to take drastic steps including big decreases for the retirees.
to sum it up simply. the fed reserve is just one of the tools that the super wealthy use to keep enriching themselves & impoverishing the lower classes. there is now the biggest wealth gap in the US since the 1920s & we alll know how that ended.
actually real economics is not about the voodoo economics e.g. phillips curve, laffer curve that economists confuse people with it's about how real people react to economic conditions that can't be suppressed forever.
there will be a crash & burn, a great reckoning.
F. Bastiat a 19th century french economist summed up all you really need to know about economics today:
"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.”

@callmedubious The group in there now is especially bad plus his economics adviser has been wrong about recessions etc for the last 30 years. He should not be advising anything at all. I am on her side I just wish befores she makes a big mistake this early in the game that she lay low and learn what all is going on before she gets in trouble. I think her ideas are great and support many of them.++ So much of our current debt stems from unfunded wars we fought. During the 2 nd war we sold bonds this time we just rolled trillions into the debt file and this does have a limit. We need to undue and rethink how to tax the rich because it has not been fair. Also trickel down economics is a farce!

@callmedubious I agree with you about Wall Street and what else you are saying but why would you block anybody. If you get into the habit of doing it your mind will not get anybody else’s point, and sometimes people have different experiences than us and can teach us something we were not aware of. If people annoy me, I just don’t read what they say anymore.

@Jolanta ,
i wasn't really serious about blocking you. just not in a great mood this morn.
your posts usually made good sense.
actually, the guy i blocked yesterday was my 1st block ever.
i just get really annoyed with people who, when they are confronted with something they can't understand or refute, resort to silly accusations/insults.

@Jolanta, @Marine ,
so true about trickle down economics. yet strangely enough a large % of the population still believe in it. but then, a lot of them probably believe in miracles as well; b/c that's what it'll take for most of them to ever get ahead financially.

@callmedubious Sorry you are having a bad day. I hope tomorrow will be better. You take good care of yourself.

@callmedubious My trickle has been so small i could not find it.

@callmedubious Thanks

@Marine ,
i think the only thing trickling down on most people's heads is billionaire piss.

@callmedubious Oh yes and some people are eating it up! Dummies.

@ToolGuy ,
"Why should a chunk of metal be that I trust as a means of exchange be better than a note that I hold?"
b/c it is rare & the supply is limited. the amount of electronic signals which are now used to create fiat money is infinitesimal.

@ToolGuy ,
it is feasible & is being used right now. the metal can be denominated in fractions of grams so your claim that there is not enough metal on the planet is ridiculous.

@ToolGuy This supports what I guess I did not develop well enough. Thanks

@ToolGuy Thanks but not the subject I meant to address in my remarks. I will do better in the future.


Damn right about that!




"AOC is young and smart and charismatic, and she and her colleagues may help us begin to heal a nation."

She has stoked a sense of hope, much like Bernie did. The establishment will do their best to do to her what it did to him.


I've said it here before. She will be at least a compelling presidential candidate. Her election will depend on how strong the white trashdom is in this country.

godef Level 7 Feb 14, 2019

She's too young to run for POTUS. Have to be 35

@Rudy1962 I presume he meant eventually.

@Rudy1962 WILL be.


She’s what we’ve needed for quite sometime but not what the politicians and their financiers want so therefore she’s a threat.

I just hope that when the time comes that the people will actually stand with her and not just with their assigned masters.

@Gooniesnvrdie Well she hasn’t crossed the Clintons yet so we’ll just have to hope


Citizens can either support the wealthy, in which case they will continue to be ripped off, disrespected, sent to war, ignored, or consider alternatives . . . . support people who are not of that ilk. If they refuse see how much the media lies, nothing will change.

THHA Level 7 Feb 14, 2019

I'm so impressed with her. She researches the issues and offers solutions or ideas. I'm tired of politicians who criticize and have nothing to offer. i hope she stays in office and doesn't get defeated by big money.

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