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LINK Portland Considers Protection Against Discrimination For Atheists, Agnostics

FTA: Portland Commissioner Amanda Fritz is introducing an ordinance to extend the protections against discrimination in the city’s civil rights code to people who do not believe in a god or gods.

zblaze 7 Feb 18

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I would find this to be a needed thing in the emerging Trumpworld. The extreme right seems to hate atheists and other things equally.


Sad, but necessary, that there has to be legislation to tell people to be open-minded and accepting of anyone not like themself....


Freedom of religion should include freedom from religion.
Religions is a cancer.
I should know. I survived stage 4 brain cancer.
Religion is cancer.


Honestly, I’m shocked Portland hasn’t done this already

Marz Level 7 Feb 19, 2019

So I guess this means the Saint Albans bakery has to make the cake for an agnostic wedding.


This seems unnecessary.

@PalacinkyPDX I don’t know. It just seems that if someone wants to descriminate me for my lack of beliefs, then that is their prerogative.


I'm glad to hear it, but yet again I just think they should say no one deserves to be mistreated for any reason and leave it at that.

In a perfect society! Therein lies the problem, we are imperfect for myriad reasons. The first imperfect example usually is the religious...

@Rustee Good point.

Leave it to the lawyers, one would think the Constitution has it covered; unlike the guarantee the press recieves apparently everyone else has to fight to secure their rights under the law. 😠

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