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Well I'm someone who needs a religion but sadly I haven't got one , none of them seem feasible and to be honest all rather stupid so I'm keen to find something that I can adhere and anchor to which I feel would make me a happier person, the Hyperianism (cult ?) ticks a lot of boxes for me as I lean towards there is a probable scientific explanation for our existence that we just can't grasp so I'm tinkering with the idea of becoming more involved with it, I'm looking at other peoples comments and reviews just to get a feel , I'm obviously concerned that Morgue is just making money out of us however He's got to make a living just the same as your local vicar / priest....any thoughts guys ?

delboy2kent 3 Feb 26

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If you must connect yourself to something magical, make it something based on constructive qualities like compassion or the progress of civilization.


There can be meaning without fairy tales and imaginary beings.

JimG Level 8 Mar 5, 2018

Well many thanks to all of you, first of all I'm a very happy married man and my life is pretty good and full but Ive always felt I need to be more spirtual in life and have more of a purpose with an ultimate goal, I can't explain why but I do ...sadly I don't have one, Hyperianism is at least giving some kind of explanation and much of it is based on more credable scientific theories of consciousness and different dimensions, all this works better for me than the unlikely image of a man with a beard looking down on us, regardless of your helpful comments I'm someone that could do with something more to hang on to in life ....thats just me I'm afraid !!

Do yourself and family a favor, don’t hang with the guy who looks like a cross between Alice Cooper and Edgar Winters on ‘shrooms. He speaks well, all cult leaders do. Listen closely to the themes of his talk, all cult tricks.

Spirituality is really a bullshit term. You are searching for a religion that fits your needs but you are destined to be disappointed again and again. At some point in your journey, you will find it is this search itself which is the root of your angst, not the lack of religion


Shed the 'need' and you will see that it is nothing but an illusion


I would really like to have a conversation on this. As Rugglesby asked, You said you need a religion, What is it that you need for a religion, as there is no shortage of them? What is lacking in the religion you have experienced? Did a religion ever satisfy what you seem to lack without a religion?

3 might want to try counseling. IMO you may wake up in a cult if you do not?


You do not need to be fooled to be content or do you?
Listen carefully to what He says. He defines himself as extra-human and offers the same delusion to you. What he says is itself, self-contradictory.

Reason is good, reason is fine. Reason fails when its premises are incorrect. You do you boo...

I saw this before, it’s an episode of “the twilight zone”!


yeah, I really have to ask as to why you feel you "need" religion.

@TheMiddleWay As they say, "Ignorance is bliss"

@TheMiddleWay Then why are educated people more likely to be atheists?

@TheMiddleWay My comment was about ignorance, not intelligence, ignorance is the lack of knowledge. Kids prefer to believe in Santa Clause, I guess little kids who believe in Santa are happier than those that don't. There are and have been so many religions, none of them were around when the universe began, or when the earth was formed. People can believe what they want, if it makes them happy, power to them, my mother is a religious nut, I mostly just let her ramble.

@TheMiddleWay I disagree, kids like the thought that there is this kindly guy who will give them stuff, often they expect it when they know their parents can't afford it. I was very young when my parents told me no Santa, yet the myth was continued for my younger siblings for many years. The idea of this kind and caring god give people hope, that someone/something may help them, it takes some of the pressure of reality off them. Yes, it makes them less miserable. But it is not for me, if it is not real, I don't want to know about it.

@TheMiddleWay haha, no.end of Santa meant end of gifts, I did better when Santa was around.But you have hit the nail on the head in regard to my thoughts on religion. People giving thanks to an imaginary friends for all the good work done by doctors to save their lives. That is quite a hellish ignorance. An education person knows that the world is older than the 6000 years claimed by many (ignorant) religious people. I have been religious, I was raised that way. It was such a relief to finally accept it is all BS as the belief system I had been raised with conflicted with reality. It would be totally impossible for me to go back to believing, and it would not make me happier.


I would just get on with living, why do you need religion?


You don't need a religion, lean on reason, lean on critical thought, lean on us but don't go hunting for a 'god' that makes sense, you won't find one.


I fail to see how adhering to any religion would make anyone "happier".
I think the majority of people who are looking outwardly for their happiness, are most
often disappointed. Happiness comes from within. It's how YOU feel. You have to give
yourself permission and reasons to feel happy. Nothing is going to give that to you, but you.
Being involved with your community, without religion, can give you purpose.
Having purpose is one way to make yourself feel happy.
It's a decision. You decide to be happy, or you don't.

@TheMiddleWay Statistics can be made to "prove" any point of view. However, I can see how the delusional would claim to be happier than the rational. I also think "happiness" is relative, and subjective.

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