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LINK ‘Julian’s situation is dire’: Roger Waters issues rallying cry for Assange asylum in Australia — RT World News

Most of the "journalists" of mainstream media are not very interested in truth or what is right.

THHA 7 Feb 22

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That Russian puppet & child-molester needs to be in prison!

''puppet & child-molester''? I'm not even going to ask about the puppet thing, but I have to ask about the 'child-molester' thing. Was there ever any trial with evidence proving anything? Or are you just spouting conjecture because it makes you feel good? ?

@Captain_Feelgood no trial because he stayed in that embassy to dodge being arrested for 5 years. Indictment & warrants in place the entire time! Sex with a young teenage girl, now grown and without justice because of his craven actions...not, IMO the actions of an innocent man!

@AnneWimsey - If that is "IMHO", it is laughable because you have no proof . . . . . it is pretty clear that they were out to smear him, and pretty clear why . . . they did not like the TRUTH, and obviously, neither do you. In fact, this is the video of the war crimes committed that was released by WIKILEAKS . . . .

@THHA I do not think Switzerland wanted to do anything but prosecute him for rape...unless you think Swiss courts usually issue false indictments/arrest warrants?

Not sure were you are getting your information from, but I find it incredibly dubious, given the following Swiss news article. First, they would not offer him asylum there if they thought he committed a crime there, and second, why would he even consider going there for asylum if he was guilty as you claim . . . . []

@THHA he sought asylum in the EcuadorianEmbassy in London, stayed there 100% of the time for 5 years, never setting a foot over the was a Swedish warrant, not Swiss, sorry...Google "Assange arrest warrant", read all about it.

So he is guilty until proven innocent? So far you have provided no FACTS, and, quite conveniently, you have also failed to address the FACT that war crimes were committed, as shown in the video evidence.

@AnneWimsey Mmmm... Teenager.. SHE WAS 33!!! Why do you make stuff up like this? Assange ran to Ecuador's embassy because the US had just put out a warrant for his arrest.. []
It was totally ''she said/he said'' with absolutely no evidence of rape.. You do know they had rape test kits back then, yes? pffffft... ?

@Captain_Feelgood. US has NEVER had a warrant for his arrest! WTH are you getting this???? And she was I think 14, not 33....unless there was more than one? Try a real newspaper, or Google, not a rag like the Daily Mail...better yet, contemporary accounts of the news.

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