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Did everyone know that Ga is canceling something close to 50,000,000 tax break for Delta, because they pulled out of the NRA? So now we see why the NRA has their tentacles into so many people and businesses!

Freedompath 9 Feb 26

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This is how the Republicans work... threats if you don’t do what they say!!!!!


There goes their airport..Georgia is a Teathuglican swamp..

Well. Maybe Delta will move out? At least they showed guts here...

@Freedompath I was pleasantly surprised they did so..

@Charlene... that is the biggest hub at the airport, it was a gutsy move, I have to admit! These 'good old boys' polticians may be begging Delta, before the end? This may be a time of real would take youth and those young Florida kids are 'way' bright with clarity!

@Freedompath those kids are woke..hopefully the rest of the country will follow suite.


I am proud of Delta. They should not be penalized for trying to neutralize American gun-fetish. Maybe it is time to exercise the last part of the 1st amendment - redress grievances as a kid-loving parent/citizen. (No, guns are not the only thing in desperate need of attention - our opioid dying kids need our strength, too).


The Lt. Governor promises to do that, but does he have the power to do it? Or is he just playing the bully card?

He is bringing up a bill...he said on NPR!

@Freedompath Delta Airlines does not have a history of being stupid. It will be interesting to see what Delta does.

@Freedompath Delta Airlines does not have a history of being stupid. It will be interesting to see what Delta does.

@Dick_Martin I believe the people will be behind them...I think it will be Ga...that shows up stupied! In the first place, why was government threatening a business over another business?

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