I hate winter and always did since childhood when I got way too cold. The problem with being honest about it is the remarks you get from others that are like "love it or leave it" America remarks. I guess some people just like extremes.
Or some people believe that ‘all,’ people should feel the same! Which they never have!
@Closeted People around my area say that when they think you are complaining about anything. It's a line from an old Merle Haggard song called "The Fighting Side of Me." The idea is you can either love America or you can leave it.
I was tired of it 30 years ago ???
@Gwendolyn2018 Yepper !!!
@Gwendolyn2018 I have less tolerance for alot of things now. ...winter, young people..lol
Winter? What winter? (Written from Tennessee)
Every year about this time I'm so very done with winter, but this year that point came a solid six weeks ago. Winter started quite early here and it's been one miserable storm after another. In a typical winter I have to work from home due to bad weather only once or twice, but this season it's been at least six days (so far). The silver lining has been that we haven't yet had many crazy snow totals, so I haven't had to shovel any roofs.
We are supposed to get 4-18" by Monday..roof shovel is gonna be worn out
Me!! And here's how cold the next 8 days are supposed to be >
I'd be happy with a few days in the 30s (above zero please)
Seasons come and go. Enjoy your life every day. Winter, Summer, Autumn, Spring. Rain or snow, shine or blow. Life is good.
Yes! That is true...until you realize one day that your body has aged into Bahama kind of weather...against your will! Lol
@Freedompath We are most definitely on the same page here.
Snowed again last night. Three more inches. February already set a record here. More snow in the forecast for this week.
doesn't matter. weather only counts in colorado springs.
I'm just outside Chicago. As my Irish neighbor once put it, "the weather here is just like Ireland. Damp, wet and cold and ain't worth a shit".
Personally... I'm tired of precipitation in all its forms!
And the Southwest could use rain!
I have been sick of winter for a long time now