Cars in Wenatchee are filthy after weeks of snow, slush and sanded streets.
After reaching my disgust level, yesterday I washed my car. Shiny reflections. Love it!
Today it's snowing hard again. Naturally. (Looks longingly at clean car)
"Don't be such a cupcake," I thought. "I'm forever ramming my car up rough, gravel roads to trail heads."
Does the happen to you, too?
Some of us check the weather report before washing the car.
The high-pressure washer is a relatively affordable device; the main difference from the usual pump - is the nozzle, through which the stream of water is mixed with air, which increases the water pressure. Namely, the air divides the jet into individual drops, which have a surface tension, which increases the "impact force" of the flow. But it is expensive; for example, it is easier for me to pay some company, such as [], to wash my car. It's better financially than buying a machine.
I run my car through the car wash weekly regardless of weather. The salt residue is terrible to leave on the car and i can't see out my windows if i don't clean the salt off the glass immediately.
Worst case: One time I spent a couple of hours on a nice sunny day, not only hand washing, but also waxing my truck. This was a most unusual event, since I tend to rarely do more than run it through a car wash. All proud of my handiwork, I set off for a destination, I no longer remember. I was traveling at highway speed down the four lane, when I suddenly realized I was passing the exit I wanted to get off! So last minute, a quick move over to the ramp, right through an enormous mud puddle where the road spit! Mud flew everywhere! My shinny truck looked ten times worse than it did in the morning before I spent hours of sweat cleaning it up! ? Needless to say, there have been even less hand washing let alone waxing since. Drive through is plenty clean enough, and I get a free wash coupon at my dealership every time I get it serviced, so win/win!
I drive a half a mile on a dirt road before I get to my house. Rain brings mud splatters, sunshine brings dust film, and as science has proven it always rains the day after I wash my car. White cars fare
best but my son just gifted me with a used Prius and it's dark gray. I don't think there will be a shiny clean car in my future very often.
I thought that this much documented law of nature was understood by all.
Don't feel bad, it happens to everybody. But you gotta scrape the salt off at some point.
Washington State does not use salt on roads. Instead, they use sand and anti-icing chemicals.
I'm pretty sure this could be scientifically proven....