Come on - be honest. Are there any superstitious things you still do? Is there a dried out four-leaf clover in your wallet or purse? Do you refuse to pass the salt? Do you dread Friday the 13th?
For me: I absolutely refuse to walk through a fairy ring. In the part of the world where I grew up, you just don't.
I have a silent chant when I make phone calls: "please go to voice mail, please go to voice mail..." No, not a superstition nor a prayer. Maybe a mantra. But no, I can't think of any superstitions I hold. I pretty much have disproved the breaking a mirror superstition. Black cats are just cats, albeit really dark. Haven't seen a 4 leaf clover in ages, and rabbits feet aren't good for the rabbit why would anyone carry one.
I have no superstitions. I would open my umbrella in the house then walk under a ladder, behind a black cat, on my way to the airport to fly somewhere on Friday the 13th and stay in a hotel on the 13th floor without any concern whatsoever...even if I accidentally broke my mirror that morning and spilled the salt while eating breakfast.
Sometimes I think I'll spontaneous combust upon entering a church, but haven't had any luck yet . But seriously the only things I can think of are certain things that my ultra superstitious grandma tried to drill into my brain as a child. I can hear her voice already (she was WWII refugee, originally from the USSR) For any rash or blemish: "Put Vaseline!" For achey legs: "Soak in Vinegar!" For hair that goes over your eyes: "You go cross-eyed!" When car windows are open: "No shut it before you catch draft!" She thought "draft" was a mysterious disease. Miscellaneous: "No whistling in house. You grow voosa (mustache)! "Don't even touch anything with rust."
Well the rust makes sense. Before Tetanus shots anyway.
Fairy ring?
I'm guessing it could be druidic thing in the UK.
Oh. Guess I don't see too much of that here in west Texas. @irascible
Since my wife of 37 years was born on a Friday the 13th, and we started our business together on a Friday the 13th in 2013, I'm far from triskaidekaphobic! Thirteen is a number to be celebrated, as far as I'm concerned! That said, in the spirit of true confessions, I still have a lingering fear of 'tempting fate.' Thus, I avoid saying things like, 'that would never happen to us,' or 'we've never had (fill in the blank) happen here.' I still catch myself pre-empting such statements with, 'knock on wood, but..."
Nope, I ain’t superstitious
Me neither, but my grandmother told me not to walk in fairy rings - and if she told you not to do something, you made damn sure you didn't do it!
Probably a good thing not to stomp over any mushrooms and smash them, no matter which superstition one is following.
Marasmius oreades, the Scotch bonnet, a fairy ring mushroom, is considered delicious by many mushroom connoisseurs.
And you shouldn't anyway, because mushrooms are cool!
No held superstitions, if I don't have any evidence for something I don't hold it in any serious regard.
Me neither, but my grandmother told me not to walk through fairy rings, and that's as good as evidence!
I tend to tap the roof of my car when going through yellow lights
I haven't heard of that one. Do you know what the significance is?
@RavenCT supposed to keep you from hitting red lights but I just do it out of habit
@LadyAlyxandrea I just yell "Squeeze that Lemon!".
I think the Unreal are real. They don't exist in our dimension but influence what we think and therefore do. Have you been tempted to do something wrong? The temptation is them. If you break down the word [ "Religion" / re means "do again" / lig is the stem in the middle of "knowledge" / ion was another word for hell ] They can make us believe the stuff in print and hate the people it badmouths. PEOPLE BEFORE PRINT!
Punching someone in the shoulder when I see a car with one headlight.... but I think that's a car game? (You're other option is to kiss them.).
These days I just say "Piddidle!". The caller doesn't get punched.
If I spill the salt, I always toss some over my left shoulder. I was just thinking, next time I shouldn't do that, but nah... I probably will. lol
Professional cyclists, who tend to be a fairly superstitious bunch, are especially superstitious about salt and many take their own salt shakers with them to dinner when competing in multi-day events so as not to have to pass it around and increase the likelihood of spilling any.
This used to irritate the Danish rider Michael Sandstød, so he decided to show his fellow riders a thing or two and, one evening, deliberately spilled the salt over the table, then brushed it onto the floor - which is an absolute no-no among the superstitious (the correct thing to do is to pick up some of the salt and throw it over your left shoulder so that it hits the devil in the eye, which he really hates that because it stings). "Do you see?" he asked the shocked cyclists around him. "Look! It's just salt!"
The very next day, Sandstød suffered a terrible crash on a fast downhill and smashed his shoulder and eight ribs, one of which punctured a lung so he spent the next few days on a ventilator. He retired from the sport not long afterwards.