The audacity of this statement makes me cry for the child and makes me wanna go mama bear all over Cardinal Pell's ass. How dare he try to diminish and quantify the horror that this child endured. How dare he try to minimize the damage. Drawing and quartering is too good for him.
##TW for those of us wanting them already consigned to flames. ##
If they minimize it all one more time!
Feck them.
Ruin a childhood and then minimize it? ?
How about the long term health consequences of childhood sexual abuse?
Vanilla my ass. That is for consenting adults!
This act, this abberational act, is why I came to a conclusion that God is a hoax. Religious leaders, political, your neighbor, my friend or even family members using God as a standard of righteousness while performing such acts in the dark to avoid judgement and punishment. Sorry if that is confusing, but my sentiment is there.
I understand fully and totally agree.