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Stalking and Harassing

I would like to ask a question. My ex again did her stalking and harassing game last night. I have talked to my attorney about protective/restraining orders. They are no good. There are a lot of dead people that had a piece of paper to stop someone from abusive behavior. She started before we were divorced, even though we weren't married. The Police told me I could do nothing about her until we got divorced.10 years later it is still going on. TEN years! After that, they blow it off to a civil matter and they cannot do anything.If I was doing it to her they would be arresting me and taking me to jail. After 10 years of psychotic behavior I would be under the jail. How can I get this nut job to stop? It is a "I am in fear for my life and property" situation. Any advice or recommendations? She stopped for a little bit after I got my cease and desist letter sent to her from my attorney. She stopped for a year and a half after Tanya died.I have many, and several, Police reports from Fort Worth and White Settlement about her. She is on the list with the person over psych people where she lives. Me and him had a long conversation about her and her stalking.

NFAguy53 7 Feb 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Sounds like you have a bad problem. Don’t know what to tell you what to do about it. Can you sue her for stalking?

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