Also, any tips, tricks, or recipes you care to share? I'm sort of a one-dish person, anything I can make on the stovetop or stick in the oven, but I'm always looking for new things.
I made a great butternut squash casserole one time. I tend to specialize in sauces. When i discovered mango salsa ribs on my Treger barbecue I was hooked. Yea I like to smoke meat. I used to give a smoked turkey to all those I loved. I smoke many kinds of fish, hams, beef roast, jerky, and you name it.
I make a mean pork tenderloin wrapped in bacon with pasta and broccoli and cheesecake.
I don't hate cooking but I do hate cleaning up after
I'm learning. White wine sauce only took me 5 times to get it just right. Now I'm trying to get Diablo something shrimp from my local Mexican restaurant right. I need suckers, I mean people to feed though. Who's up for burning your mouth off?
French onion soup was a little easier.
While I like to cook, I love to bake! I try not to bake too often, though, otherwise I'd weigh 300 pounds!
@Donotbelieve Likewise!
Love to cook or bake. Quiche, chicken and rice, several Mexican dishes. Bake bread pies cakes strudel cinnamon rolls. All from scratch. Although the easiest quiche and probably the best is the one on the bisquick box. Just add bacon ham and spinach broccoli or cauliflower and extra cheese.
Yup I love to cook. Brought up 2 kids on my own so I got a lot of practice I cook a lot of vegetarian/vegan 'indian' dishes, make my own kimchi (known as 'Jimchi'
)make my own sourdough bread and pizza bases ( I have a culture permanently on the go )
YouTube and the internet have made cooking much easier
@MrLizard I really don't feel like explaining. I'll let you formulate your own theories.