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What is to you the most effective argument against the existence of God? Can you fit it in a paragraph?

Manestor 4 Mar 1

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I was taught that God was the triple omni. Omnipotent, omniscient and omni benevolent. If God (for instance) saw a child being raped by a priest, and did nothing, then he's not omni benevolent (all good), if he saw it, but wasn't able to do anything, then he's not omnipotent. If he didn't know it was happening, he's not omniscient (all knowing). Yet child abuse happens all the time, proving the God I grew up with does not exist.

To go further, if the child described above is turned against religion because of the evil priest and doesn't accept God, he will be tortured for eternity for the sin of being raped. The priest on the other hand can ask forgiveness and be rewarded in paradise forever and stroll streets of gold. This proves if the Christian God did exist, then he could only be described as evil.


As you can't demonstrate a "negative", I always point out the burden of proof is on the person asserting a god claim not the person finding insufficient evidence to support a god claim.


In one word, the BIBLE.
If a person reads the bible with an open mind, completely, when your are finished, you will be an atheist.

It is one of the best ways to make an atheist 🙂

I know the word Bible and what it is disturbing about it. Could you go a little more into what could inspire the rest of us whom are also aware or the one word. Tell us something informative to make your observation a positive thought we can all enjoy.

The bible can I ask which one the original bible or the one used today with over 1400+ revisions and alterations


"Show me!"

The burden of proof is on the theist.


I used this a few days ago. 1. There is as much evidence for the greek gods as the christian god, yet we consider them myths. 2. Having Faith has no bearing on truth. You can use faith to justify belief in any god know to man, and since not all religions can be true, but all can be false, it is not a good measurer of truth. 3. The Greek Philosopher Epicurus dismantled it rather well too.

There are written articles by Scholars that can prove that the Bible has ancient paraphrases and sayings that are documented as being Classical Greek, Egyptian, Hindu etc. If your onto this then you have to research the Historicity of the Bible that has articles which are written by Historians and Linguist whom are very aware of the stories and parables that we are told as being from the Bible when in fact they were actually from Mythology. Don't let one article be the complete end to your search. This is very interesting and you have much to read and decipher.


It's a bad way to run a belief system!
There is no proof there is no God it God's. It's very hard to prove a negative.
I think we should not believe things without evidence, fairies in the garden, unicorns, extraterrestrial aliens visiting Earth, whatever. But you cannot disapprove these things, only comment that there is no evidence.

JeffB Level 6 Mar 1, 2018

Proving a negative is not that hard. The proposition "parallel lines cannot intersect on a euclidian plane" is absolutely true and provable despite the fact that it's a negative. The fact that we cannot follow an infinite line to the end is irrelevant. Just know the proposition to be try by analyzing the concepts of lines, parallelism and intersect. If you properly analyze the concept of God you'll find that it's contradictory with existence as well.

@Manestor the statement about hard to prove a negative is a common statement in atheism, so I kind of figured most people knew it and this didn't really trying to explain it. It's just a reference to the idea that some positions can be stated that they cannot be disproven. One classic thought experiment is the idea that I am God and created you 5 mins ago. Anything you say I can simply say you have to have faith, I put the memory in your head or other such things. You will not be able to disapprove it. On the flip side, you cannot price there is not alien life on some other planet. The lack of evidence doesn't disapprove it.


My other thoughts: It practically impossible to assert the theist position without committing a sea of logical fallacies, it usually boils down to argument from ignorance. Which so foolish because you can assert anything might be true on the basis of it not being proven false especially when not proven true in the first place.


Go online and listen to Historical Scholars like Bart Erhman, The Atheist Experience which broadcasts live and on line every week from Austin Texas, Christopher Hitchens. All of these can be found on You Tube and they have debates that they do not loose if you care to learn something. What is really worth listening about is the fact that all of these individuals at one time in their lives were totally devout Christians who went on to seek the truth only to find out that it was all one big lie. Lets begin with the four evangelists all of whom were illiterate fishermen whom could neither read or write. I may have over extended my paragraph so I'll let you tell me what else you would like to hear maybe after you listened to those whom I have listed and where to find them.


He's not on Facebook.


I'll fit it in three words.. cold hard proof. Not the bible but just cold hard proof


Over 3 million kids starve to death each year. You don’t want to know how much are starving.

Marz Level 7 Mar 4, 2018

One of the most effective arguments is to ask the question, "Which god?" Man has created thousands of gods and religions. The believer of the god(s) of one particular faith is necessarily an Atheist about the god(s) of all other faiths. The Atheist is believing of the god(s) of only one less faith than the Theist. All faiths cannot to true, as their doctrines often contradict each other. However, they can all be wrong. And if there is one true god and faith, then why does the religion of a person so closely align with their geographical location. And why are people in remote parts the the world totally unaware of the existence of other religions. And if there exists of god outside of the various faiths which man has created, then it's existence is without dogma or doctrine, and therefore essentially irrelevant.


I can fit it in a line. Lack of evidence.


God is either complicit in evil or unable to affect circumstances due to non existence.


Atheism is true and correct because Bible God does not exist. "God is Love" 1John 4:8 But Bible God endorses slavery, polygamy, genocide, and the murder of Heretics and Homosexuals. Bible God treats women as 2nd class citizens, and he is prejudiced against the handicapped. God intends to burn Billions in Hell for all eternity. This is not love. "God is love" is contradicted by the above mentioned unloving actions. Therefore God does not exist and Atheism is true and correct. ?


I wouldn't say that this is the most effective argument against the existence of God, but it's up there in my top favorites; I once mentioned the point in passing to my younger sister, who is still close to our mother's religious bosom, and I swear I saw little fireworks of realization exploding behind her eyes.

The argument comes from a Sam Harris debate. Essentially, it goes something like this: God created all, and God has a plan for all. Our lives are predetermined, right? If you're one of the billions of Hindus in India, believing in many gods rather than a single one, what then? You go to hell for believing in the wrong god. Through no fault of their own, God designed the manner and circumstances to which they were born, gave them no means of finding the one "true" god, and by proxy, designed their fate of burning in Hell for all eternity upon death. The internet, and thus widespread access to other worldviews, and even missionary excursions, are relatively new phenomena in the larger scope of human existence. If he is omnipotent, why submit people by the billions to a lifetime of suffering with the "wrong" religion, to ignorance of the "right" religion and the one "true" God, and then condemn them to an eternity of suffering in the afterlife for that ignorance?

Perhaps not the best argument, but a powerful one.


As one who does not believe, I don't try to argue against God's existence, rather I simply note that the burden of proof has not been met. God is 'not guilty' of existence due to insufficient evidence.


Either ( a ) god doesn't exist or ( b ) He does but he has no magic powers or is uncaring, at best, or like to watch us suffer, at worse. Either way, why pray to him.


no i cant


The existence of Trump!


God created everything, the universe is supposedly 13.6 billion years old. There were no people around, so who recorded it? Moses, collated the 1st 4.5 books of the bible, billions of years after the earth formed,
and his books list only about 2,600 years. The whole idea is obviously made up by a liar or madman.


A human being having the highly ridiculous ability to create a universe .Bloody childish crap.


One word- science


Since you cannot prove a negative, I anxiously await evidence for the existence of any god. Until there is evidence the default is that there is no god.

JimG Level 8 Mar 1, 2018

Does your god manifest itself in any detectable way in my life? If yes, then why does your god not care that I can't see it?. If no, then a god I cannot detect is no different than one that does not exist.

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