174 536

This could go for either gender. 🙂 Just a great one liner, had to share~

mistymoon77 9 Nov 8

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174 comments (101 - 125)

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Yeah, I think that about most men by now because so many have proven me right.

Carin Level 8 Oct 23, 2018

Great post! Love Jeselnik



zesty Level 7 Sep 22, 2018

omg someone get this off my feed. I am so tired of this headline.

I have no control over how or where this gets posted. People like it, thats all that matters.

geez! Many of us have not seen this before now...what...because you saw it and he can't post it again?

@Xena It's a great topic with many amusing comments....what's your problem?


Wow! 433 “likes”!

and counting. 🙂

@mistymoon77 I like it




Hah this reminds me of Emo Philips's jokes. Nice

Mweuot Level 2 July 21, 2018

Yes. I am going to borrow that. Too funny.


These will be the only words I say today.

Athena Level 8 July 10, 2018

Hahahaha awesome.


I love it.! Thanks!


That guy is funny as hell


funny on the surface and then just kind of dissolves into pathetic. sorry to crash the party. just sharing my reaction.

I disagree, It is funny period. Religion is the bad joke.

@DerekDerek whatever. chalk it up to having different opinions, tastes, whatever. the joke ultimately is not about religion. and despite what the OP says, it's particularly negative toward women.

@crazycurlz I happen to agree that men lie and cheat more than women.
Women take a bum rap because of the so-called bible. I say so-called because it's a trashy novel.

@crazycurlz I see you point as it is a man talking about a woman, but it could be used in the reverse...Comedians making jokes for laughs...that is all it is to me. Life is too short to get offended easily.

thanks, @LeeSpaner1 but, I think women cheat too. @DerekDerek I don't know if you do see my point cause MY point is that this wasn't a woman joking about a man. Again, on the surface funny because it looks like a biblical joke but take a second look and it's really negative on women. Also, I don't feel offended. I'm older. I feel like I have the right to voice my opinion. 🙂

Women do cheat, NO doubt about it. Maybe I don't see your point, though, as it was a joke clearly about religion and you saw it as an attack on women everywhere. You turned it into some liberal rhetoric and I find it hilarious. This is stupid to even go on with a conversation about a joke. Good day.

@DerekDerek well, that's a leap. I'm not liberal. I'm progressive. And, yes, I agree, sometimes it's best to end with we agree to disagree.

@crazycurlz I think I have to agree that this was meant to be a joke about the bilble being a pack of lies. It could just as well have been a woman making the remark, don’t think it’s meant to be misogynistic.

I do agree with you 100%. & while women cheat & lie too, they don't do it nearly as much as men do. More than half of divorces are due to male infidelity. Men themselves admit to cheating more in survey after survey. I think there is still an attitude that a woman cheating & lying is worse than a man cheating & lying to justify why these sorts of "jokes" are so much more commonly directed at women. We are held to higher standards of behavior.


Rickey Gervias and Bill Mahr (sp).. These guys are hillarius atheists. Tooo funny!!!
I can't spell..

Grecio Level 7 June 18, 2018

I love them both but Bill is my favorite..funny as hell and highly intelligent too!




I have an atheist song by John R. Butler where "knowing someone in the biblical sense" means sexual. The album is named "Surprise" and the song is called "God Will Fuck You Up."


Lol yassss!


That made me think of a whole new way to think of "bible study" or biblical studies hahaha


Silly conversations are just that--silly


Once, a long time ago, I told my Dad that his god wasn't worth the paper He was written on. I should copyright that and put it on a T-shirt!

Except God didn't write ANY of it!





jeffy Level 7 Jan 7, 2018

that is good

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