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We're Facing a Global Movement of White Hate

"The killer is drawing from and adding to a growing online ecosystem and literature of white radicalization.

"In the U.S., that ecosystem gave us the Tree of Life massacre and the deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, both of which were motivated—at least in part—by the fear that whites are in the process of being demographically outnumbered and replaced.

"Hence the chants in Charlottesville, of “Jews will not replace us! Blacks will not replace us! Immigrants will not replace us!”

"And yes, U.S. politicians and pundits feed that ecosystem, too. When Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham talk on Fox about Democrats trying to “replace” white voters with immigrants, they’re mainstreaming its rhetoric.

"When Rep. Steve King says “we can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies,” he’s mainstreaming its rhetoric. Candace Owens almost certainly isn’t inspiring anybody to kill, but she is guiding them toward the sorts of online discussions that lead to dark, dangerous places.

"And there’s our president himself. As the Christchurch shooter wrote in his Q&A:

Were/are you a supporter of Donald Trump?

As a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose? Sure. As a policy maker and leader? Dear god no.

Not a leader, but a useful symbol.


LiterateHiker 9 Mar 17

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...replaced by Native Americans?
I think the FIRST NATION has
dibs on who the f**k founded this ground!
Not some candy assed creeps who have narcissistic
domination syndromes...
It's called " the last attempt to distract
from the social issues that they created" by
socialologists. sad


all comments from white folk -
divide is created by the media, racist governments (US, UK, Israel) and religious extremists especially the Vatican paedophiles

The US is one of the least racist places on the planet. Rush limbaugh, and now the regressive left, are all about how we are the worst. These people are part of an auto-immune disease.
Time to buy a vowel.


Changing demographics, changing economic circumstances, and poor decisions on the part of blue collar workers regarding their futures has created an environment of fear and panic in the white population of the country. The loss of control and the effect of suddenly being called on their long history of boorish and inappropriate behavior has them back on their heels (their problem not ours).

After 500 years of being in control, the fact that this control is eroding is scary to them (buck up buttercups). The disparagement of educational opportunities offered to them has put them in a nonenviable position as society moves on and leaves them behind. Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence worldwide.

Thier way of dealing with their new status is by hating all those who look different than you. All those that made better decisions than you. All those who worked to better themselves (a paycheck is not the only way to better yourself). And all those that faced overwhelming odds and perservered to came out the other side.


Well said. Thank you.



Who can trace these these attacks back to Hair Trumpf?

Last week: No white men involved, so no coverage, and no thoughts and prayers: Nigeria: Muslims kill 120 Christians []

January: MORE: No white men involved, so no coverage, and no thoughts and prayers: Philippines: Christians Slaughtered, Churches Bombed []

Your point being?


Thanks for sharing this.

Unity Level 8 Mar 18, 2019

Being white is no more a source of anything than being cold or hungry or anything else. They are ignorant! If I am born in America I am very likely to be a Christian. If I'm born in Iran then maybe not so much. Born in Africa my skin color is most likely to be black. Other areas maybe not. We are all like crayons in a box. Why is white skin now promoting such hate again? Skin color and religion are pretty much out of our reach for personal choice. Being white is not a source of pride. It is simply the way things turned out. We can all thank that POS in the White House for the global movement of white hate that is reviving itself today. By not condemning it he encourages it. I think of a monster when shootings like this occur. Then immediately I think of the monster in the White House.

I agree. The POS in the White House is indirectly encouraging racism.

@OwlInASack Good point


The U.S. having elected a small self serving bigot as the president have opened the door for all like weak minded POS's to act out in any anti social way they want with little fear of repercussion. VOTE FOR CHANGE, DO THE RESEARCH! (I'll go away now)


I try not to think of being white as a source of pride, I had little to do with the decision. I am a proud liberal. The trumpians like to think of themselves as victims, their issues always the fault of others, especially people that are different or my favorite, government. Fear, they fear everything, especially change. Makes them have to work.


we are facing a worldwide increase in fascistic behaviors, from ALL colors, all races.

The vast number violent expressions of this are not from whities. (using that word, tho appropriate, will prolly get me, a white person, censored for "hate speech." )

But, it sure is amazing that when a white person is involved it distracts our attention away from what all non-whities are doing.

With Trump as president, it has turned into a free-for-all for thugs and wannabe dictators, world-wide. But your whataboutism doesn’t fly, regardless. White nationalism is repugnant. And other people doing bad things makes it no less repugnant.


I just want to say fuck trump, fuck Trump apologists, and fuck white nationalist apologists. You are either with all of them, or you are against all of them, because they are all peas in one pod.



white supremacist does not equal white nationalist. It is good to understand the difference, and understand which parts you agree with. Because you do agree with some of the bits. Though i am sure you will spew your denial.

@Jacar as I said: they are all peas in the same pod. And I agree with none of it and condemn all of it.

Well said


Anyone worried about losing their job to someone of another ethnicity is in for a rude awakening as soon as AI systems makes labor obsolete.


When I got divorced, the judge told all the men on one side of the courtroom and the women on the other to love your kids more than you hate that person over there. We should apply the same standard to all of our fellow earth travelers. Love one another and respect each other like you do your own kids or parents. All these religious types go sit in a pew each week (or kneel on a rug facing east) and don't apply a damn thing they just heard. A hundred years from now maybe religion will be banned worldwide. And so will assault rifles (because there will be no need). I think racism is completely a result of fear and ignorance. So what were the white idiots in Charlotte (or elsewhere) afraid of? The same thing happening to them that our forefathers did to the native Americans. Of course their fears are unfounded, so what does society need to do to end so many people living in fear? Love each other. Help each other. Go high when they go low. Like Michelle!


Was it the TKcoy person that was blocked? I thought for my part that he articulately, respectfully, and reasonably expressed his reasons for disagreement. If it was not him who was blocked, then I suppose I can’t see that persons comments anymore. If it was him, then it’s disappointed to see a discussion thread that was respectfully being discussed shut down and dismissed so summarily. Instead of disputing his arguments on their merit, he was apparently dismissed with some blanket assertions and no counter. If I’m wrong about who was blocked, please forgive my oversight. If I am right, though I’m not a conservative, trump supporter, or anything of the like, I suspect I’ll be blocked next.


I don't remember his username.


A white man from Alabama replied with a long diatribe, blaming liberals for right-wing, extremist mass shootings. He said liberals are racist, not conservatives. His assertions were untrue.

I blocked him. He can no longer see or comment on my posts.

Although I enjoy discussion, he seemed like a demented Trumpster.


This new wave of white supremacy beliefs and actions is truly frightening. The world has been here before. This means it's time to act.


It has always been there and I imagine it will always be there as it is what 'merca was founded on and is now imbolden by the present political atmosphere.

The data actually suggest that we are more tolerant than we used to be but that small percentage of people who are still racist get all the media coverage.

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