Maybe a dumb question. But I know the most common wishes are for money or happiness or something very personal. But, if you could make a wish that would help everyone would you make that wish instead of the more personalized goal.
For me, I’m torn between the two. But if I had the choice, I think I would choose something for myself that would give me the power to help others.
I would wish for the world to be rid of religion and superstition. Everyone would benefit as a result.
Tales of the Hassidim, the story of Rabbi Pinchas. He was granted this opportunity and replied that he had everything he needed and didn't require a wish. Then he spent the rest of his life regretting that he didn't wish for world peace.
Sounds like an interesting story! Since stories of receiving wishes usually end badly for the person making the wish I wonder how the story would go if he had made the wish.
I would wish my four legged family companion members would live longer.
My dream wish would be the god like ability to instantly cure serious medical problems for the public at large, [ something that Jesus was alleged to be able to do ] but unlike him I would actually do it ! No bullshit ! and with no tithe or charge requested. !!
I would agree with you. I would probably wish for something that would put me in a better off state that would allow me to help others better.
How about a healthy level of unconditional love amongst all humans? That would be good for everybody.
That would be worth the wish.
Yeah I'd wish for billions of dollars (or some ridiculous amount). I could then use it to help do all kinds of things while also not sacrificing personal comfort. Kind of a cheap copout but why not help both at the same time?
If Wishes were Fishes, Fooles would cast Nets. If they could imagine that you would believe that it came true then they would invent a scenario to make it look apparent. Go out and fail which will bring it all into perspective on more levels that you can imagine. You have to learn that when the storm is upon you 'to dance in the rain' when your going thru hell to keep going, and to 'look back but don't stare'. I learned to stop wishing long ago.
Spoilsport Anyway, as long as one does not overly indulge or truly delude themselves, a bit of imagination can be an impetus for positive real change.
I would wish for my son, Oliver, to be back alive, healed of his demons. Sefish I know.
Sometimes a little selfish is a good thing.
This answer might be age related , because I lived a fairly daring life had lots of changes and did lots of things already now I am 70 I'm slowing down so it makes more sense as I am feeling fulfilled enough ot give something back especailly as htere is nothing I feel 'wanty' for. So world Peace Goodwill to all.