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That's one thing I can agree on with that woman. No matter how much she talks she's not her father or even close.


He will always be a rich, boorish lout.


He may not BE great, but he certainly grates.


She is right, but I already knew that.


Like I need her to tell me that. At least it's a voice on the right saying it.

1of5 Level 8 Mar 24, 2019

Duh! Lol.
(no intent to denegrate Meghan McCain).

@Closeted. I tend to agree with you. I am not a fan of hers. I did respect her father, didnt always agreed with him


Unfortunately there have been far too few great people in the 21th Century. I liked her father for his integrity, his backbone, and his nerve. I did not agree with much of his politics and I really don't think he changed the course of our nation and our understanding of ourselves.

I agree with her about Trump...

cava Level 7 Mar 24, 2019

She has that absolutely right!

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