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Have any of you found a soulmate who wants to transcend the mundane, tame the monkey brain and merge in blissful non-duality?

WishYouWereHere 6 Mar 3

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No soul mate- still looking.


I don't know if it counts but I've had sexual experiences with a couple of my past girlfiends that was so intense we were entirely in the moment. Nothing existed but us right there and then. No drugs or alcohol.


This feel like it goes here

[] .


I had a soulmate when I was 17. Same birthday; same taste in motorcycles; same hair color, eye color. But he was a wimp and listened to his grandmother who said that I was not worth his attention. Heart broken. Lesson leanred. Never looked for soulmates again.


I haven't, but isn't that what this site is supposed to be about, date?


Nope, and not looking for one anymore.


Shrooms are good in moderation
1 trip a year. They make anxiety and depression disappear for a few days


Yep... part of the soulmate thingy.


I have. But the question from me to you is...could a being have more than one soulmate?

"The more unique you think you are... the more likely you are like somebody else. So expect more than one Soulmate in your life."

@sadoslim Absolutely, if you really believe in soulmates. Then again, sometimes I'm not certain of souls myself. I just interpret the word as meaning people you have a high possibility of having a really successful relationship with. And this is by varying degrees and different aspects of compatibility, where you guys are in your lives when you meet each other and how your lives and those around you play out, the state of the world etc etc etc. Just think about the butterfly effect/nine degrees of separation.

@Neraven to me, it's figurative not literal. I don't technically believe in souls, but I do believe in a spirit as an electrical current or life stream of the cosmos

@GipsyOfNewSpain I only have met one person that seems to be cut from the same cloth...but I don't see myself as anything really other than a man.

@sadoslim So you need to make up your mind... because all humans are cut from different cloths... and seems you looking only for the ones cut from your same cloth. You start to sound like "animal farm". "All animals are equal but some are more equal than others". There is more than one soulmate. You can be lazy about it or you can try hard to find the next one. Your Call.


I can't have a soulmate, being an atheist and all, not having a soul.

I think it's more figuratively than literal. Someone you connect with on all levels.


I've found two like that. They both turned out to have borderline personality disorder. Now I get nervous if someone likes me too much.

MarqG Level 5 Mar 3, 2018

I am not sure if its the same thing, that youre talking about but my partner lives above me and we meet up for dinner at one o clock, then go our own ways and watch T.V together in the evening, we share a van and live sort of co-independently


You know, I'm a very vanilla person, and I'm not sure ectasy or mushrooms would be a good idea with my condition

I've been contemplating shrooms for a year or so. talked to my shrink concerned about serotonin syndrome and she said I wasn't even close to any limit so I'd be fine. she even told me it was safer than alcohol and weed. thinking i will do it this summer.

Do share ! Where do I meet this shrink? Where’s this mushroom summer camp! I can’t wait to find out! @kauva


No, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn.



No, and not sure I want exactly that.

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