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VictoriaNotes 9 Mar 4

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That's about right


In favor of them. A joy for men and babies. Most attractive containers for milk I know of. Not only do they keep the milk at the right temperature, but also keeps the milk where the cat can't get at it. Mariah Carey's career wouldn't have been half as successful without her breasts. I like them. I like them a lot.

@WizardBill 5 friggin octaves. She can almost hit highs out of human hearing range.

@Paul628 Mariah was not the first to hit those notes. Minnie Riperton was.

I do miss the old glass milk bottles. Unless you live in the arctic it is difficult to keep breasts that cold.

Mariah is a hasbeen, a drama queen that makes all her faults everyone else's. She hasn't been able to sing decent in decades. She lip syncs her former hits. And when that goes wrong it's blamed on the audio set up and the reason for it is health issues.

@kensmile4u Roy Orbison could do 4 octaves.

@DenoPenno Yma Sumac did 41/2 octaves.


When showering, I used to be able to look down and see my nips. :/

i used to look down and see what sex i am

@LeighShelton Hahaha!


Definitely double standards.

No pun intended?

you're the only one who got it-lol


My rule for dating is my date's breasts have to be bigger than mine. LOL

my rule for dating is that my date has bigger balls than me.....metaphorically speaking

@MsDemeanour touche !

@MsDemeanour Lol! Yes, this is gold. 👍


Free the nipple!


Several years ago I caught up with a friend in Canberra for lunch. She had her then infant son with her. She casually took down one half of her top and breast fed her child. No one blinked. I mean, Christ in a sidecar, there was nothing offensive about it. He settled back into his pram and we had lunch.

I mentioned this to a friend from the US. She could not believe it. Apparently social mores in the US are so strong that few women would publicly breastfeed.

How is it that something so natural as breast feeding is considered publicly unacceptable?

stupid i think

It is weird ... female breasts are displayed all over the place, but breastfeeding is labeled disgusting and obscene. One of my friends nursed her baby in a restaurant booth - had everything well covered up and still someone told her that she should do that in a bathroom stall. Strange.

@SKH78 Exactly.

Because American men get a hard on when they are confronted by nipples; and that makes them mad.

@Spinliesel I'm sure some Australian men do that too; but, generally, public breast feeding in Australia is just not a concern.

Is aneriKKKa.

I don’t mind it at all. My ex breastfed 5 babies but in public she would usually have something over her to cover her with.

@Spinliesel Or maybe , they just don't like the competition . Bare breasts are fine , baby on the breasts not OK.

I never got such good service at a restaurant as when I nursed a baby at the table. The server, manager and cook/chef would all come check on us repeatedly. I found it funny. My mum would get indignant, though. Which I also found funny.

America is the country that doesn't have to make sense about anything, ever.


Married couples really DO look alike.

Athena Level 8 July 10, 2018



I support them.


One lady blocked me because of this reply. Go figure.


lol This is just so unfair...oh, glad I live in the breasts like to live free and proud every chance they get!

Dang! ??

Gravity must be your friend

@Sammer There is actual scientific studies that show boobs sag less when unfettered...forces the muscles underneath to hold them up...gravity still takes a toll on all of us...all we can do is stave it off and lessen the is hard work! lol


Clearly, men should also be required to wear veils in public, to cover their facial hair. Fair is fair.



What's good for the goose...

Is good to gander at!


Explain to me why a large breasted Hairy Dude can expose his DD'ss and its no big deal, But if a Woman's nipple is exposed for a fraction of a second the whole country loses its mind???

Because no human stands and stares at a man's moobs, but straight men can't stop staring at a naked breast as if they are 13. It's creepy how little self-control most men have. Fixating on a woman's naked breasts makes her incredibly uncomfortable because you are objectifying her.

@hemingwaykitten I like how you are able to say this so bluntly and accurately when it seems to be lost on so many people. Seems obvious to me - but I've never been able to put it in words so well

@hemingwaykitten but this wouldn't be the case is exposed female breasts was the norm. Yes some men (or women) might admire a nice set of breasts (or a six pack) but when you look at Australian Aboriginals and tribes that went naked in other parts of the world, it just became common place.

The point isn't whether someone is looking at a part of you the question that needs answering is why are you uncomfortable that someone is looking at that certain part of you? It seems to me the real problem is your inability to comprehend human nature. Do you become uncomfortable if a guy stares at your eyes? Ears? Feet?


The young mothers of America should not let their surrounding overawe them and be more assertive. It shows how a part of the male world sees breasts only as sex-related and not for the reason why women have these bodyparts in the first place. At least I have never felt sexual aroused by a mother feeding her baby and I really have a hard time imagining there are men that do. It says more of the men that took the initiative for those rules.

Gert Level 7 Mar 5, 2018

Cultural norms, anyone?


Free the nipples!! ?


I wonder why God gave men nipples?

Don't you know the joke about the guy who enters a Rolls Royce Showroom?

She has a sense of humor. 🙂

A man walks into a Bentley showroom and looks at a car on display. Walks around the beast and checks every aspect scrupulously. Suddenly he sees a hole just under the bumper bar. "What is this hole for?" he asks the salesman. "This allows you to put a crank to start the engine manually should the starter not work."

  • "WTF ... Are you seriously telling me that a car with this sort of price tag could fail?"
  • "Sir," the salesman relies patiently " Do you have nipples?"
  • "I don't see the connection? What a silly question!"
    "Sir, Do you have nipples?"
    "Of course I have nipples!" Replies the potential rather aghast customer almost angrily.
    "You see, you have these nipples in case you give birth to a child. The probability that this car fails is equally remote."

We are all female for about the first nine weeks of gestation. About then males (Y chromosome babies) begin producing androgens to modify us into specialized, but less robust and redundant, creatures.

More of us fail to survive 'full-term' internal gestation. After birth we're less able to survive illnesses than females. We also don't live as long.

Our breasts are only one living artifact that lacks a full range of functionality. Another is located between the ears. Doing of stupid, impulsive, reckless and violent things plays a significant role in our shorter life span. 🙂

Really? My husband loved me playing with his.

@Marionville "loved" what happened?

@GaryGromet12 Mmm....that would be telling!

Purely for demonstration purposes.

@PontifexMarximus I just want to know if Bentley’s do have that!

@antman No, they don’t - haven’t for decades. Even if they had, you’d have to be The Rock to turn over a W12 6 litre engine by hand.

@Silver1wun Rolls Royce Story,

After the Packard Motor company invented the Electric Starter for Automobiles, they sent a salesman to Rolls Royce to sell them on the idea. The salesman had an interview with Henry Royce, the Aristocrat partner.

"I can't imagine it being useful," Royce exclaimed, "as long as there's a man to turn the engine over."
True Story.

Isn't it nice to know that we can trust our Elites.


I actually think that every photo of a nude woman should have an insert of a small photo showing a women visably feeding a baby . Preferably it would be the same woman and a caption saying "This is what they were designed for . These Breasts BELONG to me and my baby ; they are LOANED to my husband."


I love breasts....just not on a man. I was a breast fed baby and I suppose I never got over it.

@VictoriaNotes You are right. Nipples can be very arousing.

You have just hit the nail on the head nicknotes. You are just all big babies longing to be back sucking at your mothers’ breasts!

It's a hard habit to break. @Marionville


Because we have sexualized breast, despite them not being sexual body parts. The point of breast is to feed babies. That's why some very dumb fuck get upset when they see a woman feeding in public despite it being a very natural thing. I personally think that if you are over the age of 18 you can choose to not wear any clothes in public...with reasonable exceptions

@Wafflestomp the biological aspect can lead to sexualization. People probably have always assumed that bigger breast equals more milk, which means more food for baby, that means baby survives. The point of life is to pass your genes. All this makes bigger breast more attractive. The fact that the females have to attract the males is also strange, because in most species it's the other way. We are both right, just about two different parts of the same topic

@Wafflestomp I think you have your cause and effect backward. Women develop breasts as they mature so they will be able to feed their children. Men are attracted to breasts because they are a sign of a sexually mature or maturing female; that does not mean breasts exist for that purpose even among several others. Just science.

Breasts are sexual to an extent. Men find them attractive because they will feed their babies . Same reason wide hips are good for child bearing.

@Wafflestomp, some Anthropologists think breast cleavage in humans grew to mimic the but cleavage sexual signals used by our quadruped ancestors. Chimps and Bonobos, our closest living relatives, usually use all four limbs for locomotion, and the female butt cleavage and state of receptivity is immediately apparent. Pink or red, flushed with blood for mating readiness... Just like women largely use on our lips and cheeks.

@Wafflestomp Sequence of events . You have to attract a man , before you make babies ..

Breasts are very much sexual body parts. If they weren't men would not fixate on them as they do! This is not new or "sexualized" information, but very old instincts.


Trust me I'm not thrilled when I see man boobs. And I don't know about american beaches but on european ones women can show their breats and honestly it's not very appealing on either genders... it makes it awkward but whatever, it's the beach

Liviu Level 4 Mar 4, 2018

I’ve spent a lot of time over the years, since the 1970s on Mediterranean beaches, mostly in France, but also Spain and the Balearics. The woman with her breasts covered is the very rare exception, not the rule. And no-one notices or cares.
And as for public breast feeding, anyone objecting, at least in the UK, will find themselves on the sharp end of the tongues of most other people in the vicinity. No-one cares.

I am there! I loved the European beaches so much...after a while, you got used to even the plump old men in their they looked was great because body acceptance at all ages appeared to be the norm...and as you said, no one cared and no one judged...except maybe the Americans! Sadly...

@thinktwice Urgh! Speedos! Never have, don’t, and never will own a pair of budgie smugglers, let alone wear them. Shorts pour moi! Incidentally, it’s why I can’t and don’t use public pools in France, even hotel ones. Men have to wear speedos in the water, by law!

@KevinTwining lol I like the shorts better anyway...and also, a bit more coverage for the ladies as well...for some reason, people seem to look better naked than they do with just the parts covered yes, France is the worse!

@OwlInASack I must have been in a different country this year then. I’d have sworn I was in France.

@OwlInASack It’s an age thing I suppose. Then again, many bikini tops are so tiny that I maybe couldn’t see them properly (that’s an age thing too!). ????


There's an older gentleman I see walking around now and then - shirtless. His boobs are bigger than mine (which are quite adequate for a female). Oy ! More bothersome to see him roaming around than it would be seeing a woman, for some reason.

😉 how do you know that "he" is not a woman? & no "beard reasons" please, as i know of a bearded woman in my area.

@walklightly well, he's got the beer belly, the large adam's apple, and bulbous man-nose , big hands etc. I could be wrong, but I don't think so ...


It's cool he's blaspheming while upholding moral standards.

You'll see that a lot all over this website.


I'm all for equal rights for women.
Any woman who wants to expose her breasts is welcome in my inbox.

Your inbox wouldnt be a good place for my breasts



If a transwoman has a gender reassignment surgery to remove breast fat, then suddenly it's OK to show the breasts. Very weird.

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