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Statements or Questions

Do you like to receive statements, or would you rather be asked questions?

ColeySimerly 3 Mar 4

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Whenever I talk to a guy I usually provide statements. So we always stand on equal ground. But when I talk to women I ask questions and feel like I give them power over the situation.

Like, giving them the control over the situation


To add to that last comment of mine, it also depends on what you are talking about. I know in the classroom I try to pose questions to my students that require more than a yes or no answer. Something that will cause them to actually think. At other times I have to do more lecture.
If I am talking to someone regarding religion, I tend to ask more questions because I want to hear what they think about things.


Are you talking about here on the site, or are you talking about in regular conversation with people in front of you?
I think in face to face conversations, I think it is nice to have a mix of questions and statements.

I've always felt there is a power struggle between those who ask questions to those who provide statements.

@ColeySimerly How so?

@Lincoln16 Well if someone asks you a question you have power over their time and space for a response and the response you wish to give them. You can bend that power around their free will.

Like if I asked someone to drive me somewhere, I'm completely helpless to their control of my life moments. They could say yes or no, give me a designated time frame to wait, create an excuse that I could never fight against because I gave my free will to them to control.

I could always ask another person for a ride instead of them but now there are more people controlling my free will


Not always sure about statements. Statements often seem to me to be something of a challenge by a poster to either agree or disagree with the statement. Questions, on the other hand, impress as an appeal for information, or advice. Where statements are concerned, it often seems argument follows. I don't like argument. Answering a question, it seems, serves a more direct effort to solicit something of value to the answerer, rather than elicit arguable and/or judgemental counterstatements. So, to answer your question, I'd rather be asked questions.


Either works for me..


I enjoy both. I LOVE to be asked questions and formulating thoughtful responses and I like getting to fire my own questions back. The getting-to-know-someone phase is positively engrossing for me.

Zster Level 8 Mar 4, 2018

I prefer weed or chocolate.

OR?? Are you trying to kill me? It is always AND! 🙂


I dunno, my bank statement makes me cry sometimes so wanna avoid that.


Are you looking for an answer to a question or wanting a statement to be addressed?

SamL Level 7 Mar 4, 2018

lol well when I talk to men I address them in statements. Like these two sentences.

When I talk to women I ask them questions. Like "how was your day?" "You feeling alright?" "Get enough sleep?"


Fine with either.


How about a statement finished with a question? 🙂

master of compromise, good job!!

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