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Religious Stigma

We are all aware that there is a strong social stigma againt people who are agnostic/atheist. Are you comfortable in talking about your lack of faith? How often do you tell people that you didn't believe or doubt the existance of God? Who might you tell?

Str8OuttaVegas 3 Mar 5

Enjoy being online again!

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If religion is mentioned, I say I am an Atheist but I don't advertise it. Sometimes I ask sneaky questions to create a little doubt but I try not to start an argument.


I don't go around announcing that I'm an athiest but if the subject ever comes up I will let it be known what my beliefs are. Presently I live in a senior apartment complex administered by the CATHOLIC CHURCH Everyone knows I am an athiest but for the most part they have accepted my beliefs.


In real life I don't bring it up if it doesn't come up. If it comes up I talk matter of factly about it. In practice it's not an issue (of course I don't live in the Bible Belt either, I live in a sane part of the country where religion and politics aren't discussed except by invitation).

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