I would say I am a friendly atheist, not militant like some prefer to be. Yet, when asked about my religious preference I answer honestly. I am often told I am going to hell and many other bigoted things. Why do people with religion think that this behavior is okay? Am I the only one receiving this level of hatred? Why are we allowed to discriminate against atheists but not religions?
I am fortunate to live in a region of very low church attendance, largely very secular. If asked my religious preference(rare), my typical response, "I'm a stranger here myself", or "I'm a nothing".
I could drive you there. It's in Michigan and really disappointing.
@Stevil I think it is pretty funny that people would name their settlement Hell.
My parents thought it was hilarious that my first boyfriend was “a boyfriend from Hell.”
The next year I brought home a typical “boyfriend from hell” and it didn’t seem so funny anymore ?
Actually, there is a crater on the Moon with the name of Hell. Soo... start walking.
@starwatcher-al Hell is in Michigan.
@BufftonBeotch until Hell freezes over......eternal arsonists should be like G Gordon Liddy forced to keep a finger over a candle until the skin is burning charcoal
But as one of my old friends from the Air Force once said, “When I die, I want to go to hell, because they won’t have Jack Daniels and rock and roll in heaven”
You mean we're not there now with the orange devil vampire??
I had (very) close relatives that told me I was going to hell, before I ever became an agnostic...when I questioned the real Jesus and other ideas. Actually, I was always questioning...which lost me friends and family. Once (but not the only time she told that I was going to hell.) my oldest granddaughter and her self-appointed preacher husband attempted to verbally attack me (and save my soul at the same time) over a story that I told my g-granddaughter! That...Jesus if he existed, inspired people, and did not perform miracles like reported in the Bible! It was a terrible sight and I hope one day the memory of what they put me through, comes clear (as it should) about how their actions were so hurtful.
Maybe I have not been told that, probably because I live in Australia. Seems to me that in the US there are a lot of religious nutters, just like in Saudi Arabia.
The same with me here in Portugal. But even if someone told me that I would prefer. It would be warmer in hell than in even
Ha ha ha, it is kinda funny SA came to mind at the same time as the US! I want to come down there!
I always loved this from "To Kill a Mockingbird":
“You know old Mr. Radley was a foot-washing
“That’s what you are, ain’t it?”
“My shell’s not that hard, child. I’m just a Baptist.”
“Don’t you all believe in foot-washing?”
“We do. At home in the bathtub.”
“But we can’t have communion with you all-”
Apparently deciding that it was easier to define primitive baptistry than closed
communion, Miss Maudie said: “Foot-washers believe anything that’s pleasure is a sin.
Did you know some of ‘em came out of the woods one Saturday and passed by this
place and told me me and my flowers were going to hell?”
“Your flowers, too?”
“Yes ma’am. They’d burn right with me. They thought I spent too much time in God’s
outdoors and not enough time inside the house reading the Bible.”
Me too. Probably my favorite book of all time.
i have been told i am going to hell... for being jewish. for being an atheist i am just told i can't possibly be a good person because my good behavior is my own idea and not in obedience to a god (that sounds backwards to me) and that atheism is a religion.
I have most definitely been told that I am going to hell. Ironically, though, I got told that more when I was a Catholic than as an agnostic/atheist. Protestants told me that I was going to hell because I was a Catholic. Other Catholics told me that I was going to hell because I was not sufficiently Catholic. I am not particularly worried as hell is not real.
I was told I was going to burn in hell for my non belief. Does that count???? LOL
Yes, it counts. Here you are burning in hell for your non-belief and god says "I bet you believe now don't you?"
There was a fight in my family after a family friend died. She was a Presbyterian or something, and no one could agree if she was going to heaven or hell just because of that. I don't even mention that I don't believe to most of them.
But yeah, I've heard it to. Usually the same shit.
Not for being atheist but when I went to church. Especially when I was young. We had a fire and brimstone preacher who revelled in the consequences of sin. Every Sunday. The entire congregation was going to hell.
@Stevil part of the reason I'm atheist. Lol
Haven't we all.
...at least once or twice.
I was told the devil was making me think I was an Atheist, on a long haul flight. This former catholic, now christian claimed I was possessed! Religious bigotry was one of my reasons for being Atheist, but intolerance of Christians to others, was a bigger reason.
I tried to get him detained for religious hatred but the chief steward was too dubious to organise a police meeting party for him, his wife and children!
I can't recall ever being told that I'm going to hell directly, but it's been said about others in my presence. I mentioned to my Mom once about a friend of mine who constantly posts nothing but memes about being Atheist on Facebook. Not that I care that he's Atheist, it just gets annoying when that's all I see from him. Anyway, she said something along the lines of, "I feel so sorry for people like that because they're going to hell." She doesn't know that I'm Agnostic and it really struck a nerve.
I've always held the mentality that it's not my place to decide what others should do with their lives. It shouldn't matter, especially when it's not effecting me personally. Same as the lady who told me that I need Jesus to be happy. Just mind your own business.
My Highway To Hell experience was at Uni in a seminar about Philosophy of Religion when I was told by another student that I was going to Hell because I had taken communion at a RC church and not been confirmed. I just replied that I wouldn’t because I don’t believe in its existence.
Now that is definitely sending you Down There. The RC s are funny like that. My mum and dad, in the 60s had to confess to going to a Quaker wedding, and were given a decade of the rosary to cleanse their now polluted souls.
@Tilia oh my god! To use a satirical term. That is abusive. Can’t imagine what horrors await that Pell bloke! I’ll have to break out my Dante’s Commedia to check it out. Certainly 5th circle of Hell is too good for him!. Although I guess he gets a works discount!