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Would you accept a job or position within a company that was built around religious beliefs?

Places like Salvation Army. Or hospitals that are named after saints. In my area there is a major hospital that is based around a religion and even asks about it on the application. I wasn't comfortable enough to apply. So I was curious how others feel.

valerina 7 Mar 6

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74 comments (26 - 50)

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If the check clears, and I do not have to perform a bunch of ritualistic bullshit, I do not really care. We get paid to have Good Friday off. I do not ask why. Just take the $$


Yes, except if part of the job reqiured me to talk about my faith or would require me to "talk" their faith. If someone had faith down on an application, I would have a hard time putting down I was an Humanist. I just will not put my postion on relgion. It seems like it should me illegal to ask about faith/non-faith.


Heck NO! I won't even shop at Hobby Lobby or patronize Chick-fil-A because of their ridiculous stance on birth control. I could never work for any one person, company, or government that would impose it's morals on me and make it a condition of employment. As far as I am concerned they are violating the first amendment of people that do work there... But, those people sign waivers so they are allowing it to happen. Just another religious hypocrisy IMHO.

"Don't dictate your laws to me U.S. Government! I have religilous freedom in this country because the Constitution says I can... But I can hire and fire whom ever I want if they don't think, act, dress, abstain and attend service on Sunday. So get off my back or I'll sue you in court"


I went into Hobby Lobby one time. I could find no R/C cars, no robots, no RPG books, no board games, no game CD/DVD, no movies, no colored dice, no r/c aircraft, no computer parts.

I was like WTF, where are the hobbies... all they have are sewing, knitting, fabric, paint, yarn.

I was kinda pissed that I spent 30 minutes to find the place too!

Didn't know it was God that made it go bad. bwhahaha

but where else will you go to buy your illegal Iraqi artifacts?

Is this where they say "CAN I GET AN AMEN?" 😛 😉

I don't eat at Chick-Fil-A nor to I buy things at Hobby Lobby. But that's because I hate Chick-Fil-A's food and Hobby Lobby has nothing that I want.

You guys crack me up! I don't go to either place so I don't know what they offer to be honest.

@valerina Hobby lobby is like K-mart except they play Christian music over the store's sound system. I only go there to purchase 1 item at a time (with a 40% off coupon) best price in town for black triple velvet.

@NoMagicCookie oh I know about it, my brother works for them. Lol needless to say, we are quite different.


I would not, no. Well, were I a qualified doctor and I were offered a position in a hospital, the name wouldn't make a difference. The HNS is strictly secular, so it wouldn't matter.

One of my potential career paths is becoming a teacher, and that... that's a problem. Unfortunately, many of the best schools in the UK are Church of England or Catholic. I'd need to be careful in that regard.


No absolutely not


Are you getting paid in prayers and alms? Required to tithe? Go on spiritual retreats? If no is the answer, then ask yourself why you work? To earn money to live in the style you are accustomed to. Take a look at the graphic and see if that would make your decision easier.


Absolutely not


I work for a Catholic health system. I've had a good experience and I have not run into any ethical conflicts. It might be different if I were an ob-gyn, but in my field the differences don't come up. They have treated me quite well, btw.

That's great to hear!


I probably wouldn't apply to an employer like that and it wouldn't be the first time. I wouldn't apply to Chevron, local corporate presence, Home Depot, Wal Mart, et al.


No, except It depends on how much I needed a job, and might depend on what other jobs were available. I'd rather work for St. Jude than work in a munitions factory.


My Atheist Nephew is working for Goodwill - I'm waiting to see how he fares....

I myself? Nope not tempted one bit.

For him it might be a good learning experience - he's in his early 20's....


Two churches hired me to develop their special needs program. I was working with children whose IQ was < 50, so the delusions didn't bother me.

Funny story, the 2nd church was pentecostal and also hired two special Ed teachers. Our respective reactions when the babbling kids were said to be FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT told each other our true beliefs. The church accidentally invited three wolves in sheep's clothing into the fold.


IF praying was mandatory, I would not exist there. But if they have shingles and junk like that and the money was good with little interference then yes I would. I really do not give a damn what they thing as long as i can be me.

EMC2 Level 8 Mar 29, 2018

Although I would likely not like working there, If the only option for gainful employment, Yes. I have a friend that is a strong atheist. She works RN for a Catholic Hospital with a St. in the name. Their meetings include prayers etc.


They are by law not allowed to discriminate against you because of your age, color, religion, or marital status. I'd bring it to the attention of your local newspaper or legal aide.


That's OK I've applied to non religious jobs that require temple worthiness. Who knew you had to be a good standing mormon in order to get a job as a business analyst.. So I don't think they'd really have me


As long as the gospel wasn't being preached every second of the day and I was desperate enough, then yeah, why not? The application that asks for religious affiliation is pretty creepy and probably against the law. I could be mistaken though.


I would struggle with that. I guess it would depend on my situation. If I needed a job badly I might overlook it, but otherwise I'd have to pass. I can't compromise myself like that if I don't need to.


Good question!. I work in the medical field and there are quite a few religious hospitals and Health Systems out there. I suppose I would work for one if their beliefs in no way interfere with the performance of my duties. Which is likely given the niche field I'm in

Thom Level 3 Mar 6, 2018

Thank you! Sometimes its hard to know what you are getting yourself into until you start working. Glad it's worked out for you!


Well ... if I wanted the job, and the company asked my religious beliefs on the application, they would get an honest answer. I would not 'pretend to be anything I was not' to get the job.

Mind you, it is UTTERLY DISGUSTING (and in Britain I believe it would be ILLEGAL) to base offers of employment on religious belief - and I suspect British companies, even if they are 'religiously based', would be very wary about making religion an obvious part of their selection process (though some might do so secretly).

I agree. I worked for a family company once and they were primarily muslim and I didn't hold back in stating that I was atheist. I definitely got some looks but I also found one of my coworkers felt the same so it felt good to know I wasn't alone.


Never in gazillion years, that would make me a hypocrite

AdieG Level 4 Mar 6, 2018

No way on Earth I could or would subject myself to a religious addiction in a place where I will spend one third of my life. Nor in my working career did I tolerate untreated substance addicts for the same reason: they aren't living within a sober reality and their decisions are always suspect.

Great point! Thanks for your comment!


Did HobbyLobby or Chic fil et offer you a job?

Lol no, but then again, I won't step foot in those places.

@valerina Me neither




I know that I couldn't...I was envolved with a group of artist who were Religious and I had to leave, because I could not create a thing! In fact, I kept feeling ill!

Wow I bet! It can be very draining having to perform under such conditions!

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