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Is there any way that religion can be proved to be man made?

dinoid 5 Apr 18

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Thanks for your replies, like most of you say, a person of faith will not believe evidence even if it is put before them. However faith is losing the battle world wide, but it is so entrenched, it becomes a very slow process. Let's give it a go to prove religion is man made. There are thousands of different religions in the world and there are lots of football teams, all different. There are politics, all of a different position and so on and so on. An intelligent species needs these variants of intelligence or there would no intelligence. If we consider all the religions and toss in the atheists and agnostics, it gives an illusion of segregation, but the fact is they are acting as one; all are doing what is dictated to them by the laws of nature. 'Evolution.' Intelligence demands this order for it to survive. When those of faith come up with something they cannot explain they bring in the supernatural in a desperate attempt at clarification, but the truth is, they are doing exactly the opposite. If the world was ruled by one religion with these opposed views to reality, then our species would start to decline, because that would destroy purpose and purpose is the food of intelligent life. Religion is definitely man made.

Interesting analogy. It's important to consider that evolution can not function with dilution. The dismantling of those things that do not function or serve no purpose is required. In terms of ideas and beliefs, this manifests itself in the rejection of other ideas, effectively rendering them immortal. In order to kill an old idea you must either plant both ideas and wait for the superior to overpower the other, hit it with overwhelming force, or corrupt it's basis for existence effectively starving it.
If you have seen the Pew research centers statistics on religious beliefs it clearly shows a trend away from religion in millennials, however closer inspections shows that most identify as "spiritual non denominational" rather than atheist or agnostic.

@Happy_Killbot no dismantling is required. things atrophy; species starve to death. there is no drive to evolve unless it is necessary, but if it's not necessary, that doesn't mean the thing that didn't evolve blows up. cockroaches are doing just fine, thanks, even if they've never built pyramids or written plays.


@genessa I'm referring to the evolution of ideas not species. Ideas don't decay or starve to death, they are bulletproof.
Consider this example: If a company wants to have quality employees, they need to hire hard working qualified people who are a good fit with the culture, and fire people who are lazy or a bad fit. Only by doing both of those things can a company "evolve" into a better one.

If you only hire more people your company will end up paying people who aren't providing enough benefit to justify their paycheck.
If you only fire bad people work won't be done and your company will fail due to inefficiency or people will quit due to being overworked.

Where as species evolve by external pressures ideas evolve via deliberate action by entities exercising agency.

@Happy_Killbot you didn't SAY evolution of ideas, and your post didn't really indicate that you meant ideas, so how would we know? your example, by the way, isn't really evolution. you can use the word casually that way and everyone will understand what you mean, and it's okay to do that, but if you're trying to make an analogy to show how ideas can evolve, that's not a valid one, because that process you described is not even remotely similar to actual evolution. in actual evolution there is no dismantling, and i stand by what i said.


@genessa Evolution: the gradual development of something, especially from a simple to a more complex form.
"the forms of written languages undergo constant evolution"

When an animal eats another organism, the consumed organism is digested down to the molecular level. A special protein, known as nuclease in humans, breaks down DNA that can then be absorbed and rearranged into human cells. That requires the dismantling of old things in order to make new things. Sick and weak animals need to die in order for strong healthy ones to survive. If it wasn't this way, there would be a regression to the median and no true progression could occur.

With ideas, the same thing has to happen. Good luck finding many people who think feudalism is a good idea for example. I don't mean the records should be destroyed, just that evolution of things requires the dissemination of old things. You can't keep adding new ideas to the old and expecting them to get better, you have to challenge old ideas with new ones and forget the ones that are no better or worse than the old ones and replace old ones with new ones as they are more capable, thus creating a feed back loop of progress.

Let me put this in a logical statement:
-If something evolved then it changed over time
-something that changed is not in it's original form
-therefore the original state no longer exists after time has passed

@Happy_Killbot original state no longer existing AFTER TIME HAS PASSED, yes. that is not dismantling. but whatever. and many times the original state does still exist.



@dinoid - you simply asked the wrong question... It is not up to the non-believers to prove that religion is man made IS up to the believers to prove that it is NOT !

Hello Frosty, you are right of course, but it is something that they will not do, so it is up to us.
Read my answer with 'resserts' level 8

@dinoid - You are not going to convince a believer why bother?


Well who the hell else do you think "made" it??!!!


I am always amazed at how people just assume that "religion" refers to only Christianity, Islam or Judism. These 3 religions are barely 3,000 yrs old and humanity has been around millions of years.



Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.

It's been proved to be man-made, repeatedly.
The believers refuse to accept that.


The fact that there is, nor ever has been, any evidence, facts or data to support the claim of the existence of any god(s), is proof enough that god(s) is a product of man's imagination.


Is there any way that religion can be proved not to be man-made?


Everything in religion tells us it is man made. If you study the catholic church history you'll get there.


Religions are organizations. Organizations are created by human beings. Not that complicated.


I think you just did...... just by posing that question and not getting killed instantly by lightning kind of proves that religion is man made. 🙂

There's still time. I'd better say my prayers.

@dinoid I was gonna say... report back dude !!!!!!!


Even most deists could agree with you that religion is socially constructed by humans. Also, you may want to read Peter Berger’s The Sacred Canopy to help you make your argument.

That looks like an interesting book. I'm not familiar with Bergers work, but I'm going to have to look into it now. Just Googled it briefly. Reminds me somewhat of Robert Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.


What proof is there that it's anything else?


Yes. Just read the Bible.

There's to many lies

@Gbgood there are too many...


What other creature on this planet has the imagination, creativity, and need for attention than a human? Our history is filled with imaginative story-tellers as well as greedy power hungry people who lie, cheat, manipulate, and take advantage when the opportunity presents itself. Leaders past and present have taken advantage by creating fear with misinformation and used religion to gain control.
If a deity needs recognition and adulation then it would present itself to all humans, it is inefficient otherwise.

Betty Level 8 Apr 18, 2019

To answer the question, Um... dolphins? Everything you said after that question has nothing to do with dolphins.


No need for proof! Who invented them then, the penguins, the monkeys?

I doubt the monkeys would have the husband as the head of the wife, just as Christ is the head of the church.

In Islam, a dead man gets 72 virgins. A woman gets her husband back. (And generous as Allah is, if she married more than once, she gets to choose which husband she reunites with! Wow! How she gets along with the 72 virgins in paradise is anyone's guess.)

@greyeyed123 but I heard that all women become virgins again when they get to heaven 😉

@girlwithsmiles Oh thanks!


Simple. Religion did not exist prior to lthe time that evolution produced the modern homo sapien.

I think that that is both unsubstantiated and untrue.

@Metahuman Its substantiation is the grounds that no evidence of religion among any other earthly creatures has ever been found. Try that for starters. Rebut that!


The faithfools don't accept science, they don't accept reason, they don't accept modern times, they do not accept the reality...... how would they accept the proof the God is man-made?

A woman in the U.S. just saw Jesus standing in the burning spire of Notre Dame on TV. This is in 2019? The faithfools see Jesus in bread toast. They see Mother Mary crying blood. All this defies logic and reason. You cannot convert the stupid. Stupid is by choice. Once they have made it, they cannot be changed. They must die out.

I worry about the type of people we'll be left with if all the religious die out. I don't think the world has a substitute for them in place yet.

@brentan How so? Most of China and Russia have a lot of people and they look beautiful. Remember, initially there were only Adam and Eve and they got to eat the apple.


read Yuval Harari's "Sapiens"


To the satisfaction of a fanatic? No.

To the satisfaction of a reasonable, reasoning person? Yes. I think that's how most of us ended up here.

Well said.


To start with Mary wasn't a virgin.yes she had a child named him Jesus.he never died on the he never rose from dead.get the big picture.its all not true.

The post questions religion, and your response is about jesus.... look inside yourself and find the big picture. ... why are you here, really?

@frisbee212isn't religion all backed by jesus??

@frisbee212 We are here because our parents joined and our mother gave us birth. Our reason for living is up to each individual person.


Whether or not there are any gods, and I believe there are not, religion itself is a social construct. If there were gods, they would continue to exist even if no one worshiped them, just as people worship even though there are no gods. Religions have more or less evolved over the millennia to fit the needs of their societies, so without knowing exactly when and where the first religion started, it would be impossible to prove the origin of religion, just as it is impossible to "prove" the nonexistence of gods or other unlikely beings.


YES. Just look at all the different beliefs and doctrines all coming from just as many scriptures. Either religion is man made or gods (if any) do not want to communicate with us.


Looking at the replies, i've had many a giggle and some inspiring answers. Thank you all for that.

I am now wondering what kind of feedback I would get if I asked how the design in nature came about?

that i really can not say for sure. what i can say for sure is that god was not, because he does not exist 😛

Justify that there is in fact design in nature. What do you mean how the design in nature came about? It's not design. You're begging the question.


wrong question. should be "Is there proof of a god-made religion?"

There are no wrong questions

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