Anyone know what kind of weed this is? I kind of like it, so I let it grow.. but eventually someone pulls it out. It's almost impossible to pull its roots, so it comes back every year and it seems like it gets more flowers each time it comes back. It's currently about 3 feet tall.
Edit: If memory serves me, I think one year when no one pulled it, it survived long enough for the yellow flowers to turn into white puffs like how dandelions do too. It's seriously like a dandelion on steroids.
Looks like an invasive thistle.
Dig out invasive weeds before seed pods open, spreading millions of seeds.
It looks like a Prickly Sow Thistle of the genus Sonchus. They grow prolifically in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington, but obviously other places too. Don’t let the white seed balls blow around or you will get even more of them later....!
That looks like it's it. When I Googled 'prickly dandelion' before, people were saying a thistle.. but none of the ones looked like it. Prickly sow thistle looks spot on though. We already got a bunch around, I don't mind them so much. Maybe I'll sabotage the neighborhood with their seeds ?
Daisies have deep, strong roots, but this doesn't look like a daisy.
I am pretty sure that one year its flowers when to seed like how dandelions turn into white poofs and their seeds blow away.
It's an invasive thistle. Dig out invasive weeds before seed pods open, spewing millions of seeds. Be sure to remove the long tap root.
Seeds don't magically blow away. They grow and spread invasive weeds.