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If applicable, how did you quit smoking?

I'm ready to quit smoking but have found it more difficult than the first go-around. How did you quit and did it stick?

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ashortbeauty 8 Mar 7

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I made several feeble attempts to quit smoking, but stopped instantly without difficulty, due to terror. There was an advertisement on TV against smoking and an elderly gentleman was in tears imploring the viewers to give up, he was caughing and had a serious case of emphysema, and in the background was a doctor with a bucket full of black lungs which he lifted and wrung out for the viewers to think about. I have been free for about 60 years. That sure worked for me......


You're probably not going to believe me, but I read a book. And it only took a couple of hours, it was a quick read. And I quit for over two years. And I didn't struggle. And it didn't suck.

And when I fell off the wagon, I read it again. And I quit, and I didn't struggle, and it didn't suck. Three weeks in, as of today. And doing fine.

Allen Carr's Easy Way to Quit Smoking. That $17 book saved me thousands of dollars. I recommend it to anyone who wants to quit.

Beautiful! Keep it up!I too quit easily..... after a single one-on-one hypnosis session. Beautiful!

Read it several times, and it didn't work.

@Pmabz Sorry to hear that. You're the first I've heard of.

@Nottheonlyone the book was given to me by someone at work, for whom it also didn't work. It's a good read, though.


I went to Canada and got acculaser. I went to Canada for it because back at that time they didn't do it here in the states. It's like acupuncture only with lasers instead of needles. I was very nervous and I loved smoking so I didn't know if it would work for me. However I put my last cigarette out at the door of their building went in and came out and never look back. I have never wanted a cigarette sense. I can drink and not smoke, be around smokers and still not even think about smoking. They do it in the States now. It's been 21 yrs for me


I quit 40 years ago. I fell for a girl who didn't like the smell of cigarette smoke. That made it easy for a young man to give up smoking.


I quit for about 2 years using one patch treatment. I started back up again and wished I never did.


My brother has proven it's easy to quit smoking. He did it all the time.

godef Level 7 Mar 7, 2018

I tried everything except the gum and the nasal spray. Nothing worked while I was living with a smoker or under stress.

First quit attempt after the stress was significantly reduced was with Nicotrol inhalers. It actually workd for a good amount of time, but the stress wasn't really gone and there were smokers in the house who were willing to give me just one.

When the stress really was basically gone, the second attempt living here succeded for 3 and a half weeks with cold turkey. I was an emotional trainwreck, and I encounteered a withdrawal effect no one wants to hear about at 3 and a half weeks - so I got a pack and left a message for my psychiatrist. She and another of my providers agreed that picking up a pack was a good idea at that point, and worked with me to get to where I could try again. My antidepressants were increased, I went cold turkey again - no cravings for over a week, and just 3 on my second week - then my psychiatrist insisted I go back on the Nicotrol inhalers to prevent the bad withdrawal effect.

Most people are done with withdrawals after 2 weeks. That wasn't me. I read that some take 3-6 months, and a very few up to a year. I've heard of people wanting a cig even years later - but I'm not having a real issue with cravings. When around a smoker for a few hours, I hit the inhaler. I seem to be doing fine now I'm one day short of 3 week. Wish me luck.

Thanks for sharing and good luck!


The oncologist told me to be smokeless for two days prior to the surgery....and I decided that if I could be two days smoke free I also could be smoke free the rest of my life. I stop smoking 2/11/01 (after 40 years) and I have not smoked since...


I was 24 with children of four and five y.o and my husband left me, ending our marriage , to go work with his mates in Germany - I had to pay the mortgage on the house we had bought so got people in to take rooms - it was the hippie era and lots of people came to the house - I was pretty weird then because I didnt know if I could cope and someone handed me a cigarette - It worked- I smoked for nearly a year and hten stopped - just like that - I didnt need it any more I had no after effects no yearnings, no nothing. I havent had one since.

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