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LINK Biden Faces Conflict of Interest Questions That Are Being Promoted by Trump and Allies

Trump is fearful and searching for something to pin on Biden. How responsible should people who hold high offices be for the actions of their grown and on their own children?

IAJO163 8 May 2

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I think the answer is how much the person is tied in with those family members...just look at the crap that tRump took for the actions of his grown children and family...and as he should since he also was can't hold a different standard for one person and a different one for another...Biden can easily hold the mirror up to tRump, but the difference is that tRump won't see it...he can never see what he does...he does not make the connection...Biden has way too much baggage and tRump is going to exploit it in every way he can...


They are actually afraid of him


Not at all, otherwise we could put drumpy injail for Eric, that other chinless wonder, & his son-in-laws crimes!

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