Ohh heavens, I can't pick just ONE! I can probably pick... THREE, and I'll go off the top of my head. 1) Playing, listening to, downloading, and/or swapping music with friends. 2) Doing research and taking notes on subjects that interest me (which are numerous) 3) Playing with makeup (in a nerdy, experimental way rather than an I-want-to-look-"hot" kind of way--not that wanting to look hot is always bad or anything).
In general, making stuff. This could mean making robots or videos for my channel, or working on a website, or whatever. I like the whole process of taking an idea and turning it into something that I, and hopefully others, enjoy.
Mine is creating things
Shoutout to a fellow creator!
hello @Ora_11_11, what do you create? I will give most things a bloody good try. I hate doing what everyone else does. the last thing I made was the rustic table out of an old cable real.
If you've never been on a starting line, I offer you these words by Steve McQueen
“Racing is life. Anything before or after is just waiting.”
You will never be more alive than in that moment before the flag drops and you've dozens of screaming engines lined up on each side of you. You're about to drag race 10 wide into a corner that will only pass 4. Things are about to get real in a hurry.
An MMA fighter may know something similar as the first bell rings. Otherwise, I cannot imagine what might match it.