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LINK Appeals Court Rules That Asylum-Seekers Can Be Made To Wait In Mexico : NPR

This may be the best thing for immigrants at the moment. At least children won't be separated and lost by the American government, for years, batshit crazy militia members won't hold them hostage, and they won't be stuck in cages awaiting due process.

SeaGreenEyez 9 May 8

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The big problem with this is what does Mexico say about it? Asshole Trump has no authority in Mexico.


The immigration policy of Trump administration has affected my life too,
I have been waiting in India for 6 years to get resettled and get asylum to USA, still waiting...

NR92 Level 6 May 9, 2019

I have met and know several educated and highly employable individuals who spoke upwards of seven languages and advanced degrees! Some who lived in the US as children for a short while who can not even get even a H1B visa! The system only favors those who are connected or for those who are recruited by corporations because they work cheap!
The system is totally unfair discriminatory at all levels!


This insane system, will not get fixed until we get the despot out of OUR White House. There are many humane things that could be done to assist the people who are escaping desperate situations. But, this administration is too busy with promoting their religious platform to worry about helping desperate people survive. This seems to not even be on their list, now. Everyone would benefit by giving a helping hand where people really need it.


Making the immigration courts more humane would also set the stage for more humane and fair treatment!

Also creating programs to stop the violence in their birth countries instead of cutting them off from aid and only supporting those countries wealthy elites!

@of-the-mountain agreed!


This problem has been totally cause by US corporate greed over the last 140 years of abusive use of local peoples and the exploiting of their ancestral lands! For factory farming and exploitive mining of their natural resources!
The people where held in poverty by a few wealthy families propped up by US corporations and their wealthy owners!
Now they want to blame them for wanting what has been robbed from them!


Your summation is probably correct..


We have never really been a moral leader in the world. It was always propaganda, but we are really sliding into a darkness at this time in history. If it doesn't stop soon, we could damage this country for a long time if not permanently.


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