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And for some practical interdisciplinary investigation, check out the book Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards. After reading this article and then looking into her work you may find something interesting.


I belong to a local community theatre company and it’s interesting to note that somewhere between 30-40% of the members are left handed (including me), a much higher proportion than exists in the general population.


As a strongly left-handed person, I find the part about how left handers tend to question more and tend to challenge assertions more interesting and pleasing. I certainly consider it true of me.

Also found it true that right-handers often struggle with coping with left-handers in competitive sports. But, because 95 percent of my opponents in two-man sports were right-handers, I was so accustomed to dealing with them that I struggled in competition with fellow left-handers..

I have also been a stubborn left-hander who persisted in almost everything as to doing everything my own way. In that sense, I have always been quietly, but stubbornly independent. I never "fought city hall head-on", but just waited until those trying to change me termed their backs, then I went back to doing it my own way.

According to the research I've read over many years about the Left Brain-Right-hand dominance and vice versa for the Right-Left dominance thing, Right Brain Dominance people, i.e. Lefties, are more likely to be 'outside the box' thinkers, more creative, more curious/questioning, etc, etc, whereas the 'Righties,' for the most part, are more likely be acceptive of the norms, orderly in like-style, thought processes and those who ' think in-side the box,' etc, rarely questioning theories, etc, published by their Peers.
One of the greatest, if not the Greatest, examples of a 'Leftie' would have be the Great Leonardo Da Vinci, a truly great artist, inventor, etc, etc, who was not only centuries ahead of his time but ALSO invented his own very distinct writing method/code system which involved reverse writing using his left hand PLUS writing upside down as well. Of course another Great Artist who has predominately a 'Leftie' was Vincent Van Gough who regularly 'broke and flaunted' the 'rules' of painting/art and received much derisions, etc, from other artists, etc, during his short and sad life.
LEFTIES of the World, stand up, be counted, be Proud and be true to yourselves, you ARE truly Individuals in your own right.


Archaeologists record bone-toss patterns from prehistoric campsites. If the bones point to the right (///), they were tossed by right-handed people. If to the left (\\), there were left-handed people present. My guess is it is probably genetic.

That could be possible, but out of a family of 7 ( 2 Adults and 5 children) I'm the only 'leftie' where all my other siblings and both parents were 'righties.'
As far as I know there have been NO other 'Lefties' in my family line back as far as I go, probably due to the fact that in times past 'Lefties' were literally forced by Teachers, etc, in schools, as they tried and failed with me, to use their right hands only and the punishments meted out for resisting were bloody harsh because I copped a steel edged wooden ruler across the knuckles more times than I care to remember UNTIL those sadistic bitches of teachers finally threw up their hands in disgust and surrendered.
Yet my daughter was a full on 'Leftie' from the moment she first began to pick things up and hold them, it continued right up until she passed away from cancer in 2001.


Although I am a lefty, I wasn't really sure about the right or left brained concept.
So I went and too a few so called "tests" to find out. I took a few just to try to get an average.
But in all cases I seem to be split 50/50 Right/ Left.
Not quite sure what that really means, but I do have to add that I am diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, and I'm not sure that correlates with either. But, there it is.


Write with my left. Use scissors with my right. Suck at sports with both hands.


i have trained myself to use my left hand more often. e.g. i use my mouse with my left hand. also shave with both hands. and i will use my left hand to do colours between lines.
the main reason for this is that as a golfer who plays from the right side it is an advantage to have the leading hand in control of the swing. i bounce golf balls off my sand wedge with my left hand & can do as many now in a row as with my right.
sadly, b/c of my advanced years, my handicap continues up.


Born a 'leftie' ( Right Brain Dominant as the Scientists would say), somewhat artistically talented, a writer of poetry, etc, painter and sometimes sculptor BUT also have taught myself to do things rightie-wise but cannot write with a pen, etc, right-handed.
Scientific research has shown that our brains use a type of 'cross-over' method when controlling out bodies. i.e. the Left Hemisphere controls the right hand side of the body and vice versa for the Right Hemisphere.
So, IF we can teach ourselves to use BOTH sides of our brain in unison, as do many ambidextrous people do already, the imagine the great strides and advances forward that would come from that single ability.


I am all giddy about this shoe color test that tells what side of the brain is dominant. I, right hand dominant, have the right side of my brain dominant as well. Weird...
Most right hand individual has the left side dominant.
Any friend, who is left handed, see the color I see. Today, I asked my coworker (which I thought he was left handed) what color he saw the shoe. He said the opposite color of what I saw. Turned out he is ambidextrous. I knew he was pretty sharp, but that blew my mind. Sadly, he is brain washed with religion to the point of being a missionary to spread the gospel on poor villages of the Amazon.
Anyway. This shoe color test is pretty cool so is the article you just share!
Thank you!
Note: so you don't die of curiosity (if you haven't seen), I uploaded the shoe. What colors do you see?

I see pink and white

Light blue laces and gray.

Pink and white.

I see pink and white

well, as a Leftie-Right Brain person I see pale pink with very pale greenish laces BUT also realise that it is merely an illusionary effect after all.

Grey and aqua.

When are you going to tell us which colors are which side of the brain?

@UpsideDownAgain , @michelleGar1 @DarwinGal @tnorman1236 @Haemish1 and @triphid , sorry for the delay.
Grey and aqua/blue/green = left side dominant
Pink white/mint = right side.
Mainly left handed sees pink and white, while majority of others sees grey and greenish.
A few right handed sees pink and white. 😄 isn't that cool?
There is an image (in portuguese) with the main characteristics of each side. Of course, we are too complex and other factors make up who we are. But still fun to see it.

@Zoohome I'm right-handed, and I saw pink and white.

@tnorman1236 me too. 🤗

The white balance of this picture is off but should mostly appear pink depending on the device displaying it. But it's clearly pink when the white balance is corrected.

@ownworstenemy yep
But that's how it tricks the brain.
The original shoe is pink.
This is just like the "blue and black" dress that some people sees white and gold.

@Zoohome Damn. I'm a lefty but still saw grey and white.

I saw this the other day on a friends Twitter and saw gray with a kind of turquoise, but now I see white and pink.

@UpsideDownAgain maybe you could have a tendency of being ambitextrou without knowing?
Go figure... still fun how some see one way than others. 😁

@UpsideDownAgain, @Piece2YourPuzzle maybe the resolution plays a role too.

@Zoohome I do actually do enough with my right hand to maybe be considered ambidextrous. I can write on a chalkboard with my right hand with little difficulty. I cut with scissors better with my right, probably because all the left-handed scissors were unavailable at school. When playing sports, I'm stronger with my left but have better aim with my right.

@UpsideDownAgain both sides of the brain well developed. 😄
Non sense apart (I have no medical education to make any true claim), I would say you have an advantage to be able to have two functional hands.
Usually the non dominant hand is a sidekick of the other one.


Interesting, but it took a long time to read!
I classify myself as ambidextrous, meaning I am equally inept with either hand.

Until I fell off a concrete block wall and broke my left arm,I could use either arm for the same task and write my name equally well,but the months in the cast reprogramed my brain so I'm right-handed, although I will shoot a pistol right handed, rifle shooting is left-handed.....

I’d give my right arm to be ambidextrous!

@Haemish1 yep thats funny


Look forward to reading it in its entirety. Not a lefty, though with a few select preferences where the left is the dominant hand.

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