Wow good move! next must come off the money and the saying "god save America" to be dropped.
Blorange can say something else to make him feel "great again!
So how many faithful and god fearing Republicans lie after taking the "so help me God" (gag) oath? Maybe the thing that bothers them the most is having their power play amputated. Without their God they will have to govern using knowledge and concern for their constituents and the American people which, we all know, they do not have. Thing is, is this is a situation they created and would continue if not for the Democrats taking control.
Already GOP heads are exploding (it will likely make a good wedge issue for them). They want it both ways, as when courts rule the language is ceremonial, but they also insist it belongs so as to pay due reverence to their god.
Some people are so insecure that they demand government endorse their particular irrationalism.
I've always held IN GOD WE TRUST on the money or anywhere in public spaces is outrageous. It is either a lie as I have no "trust" in any god or gods, or it specifically omits me as part of the WE. Either way, it's wrong.
I felt a truthful (but equally unnecessary) phrase would be -
Freedom From Religion Foundation has a stamp you can buy that says "In Reason we Trust." []
Also need to be taken out of the Pledge public school students are compelled to recite daily.
I certainly would not use those last 4 words.
Woohoo! Representatives Steven Cohen and Jerrold Nadler are my new heroes.
Now on to the dollar bill! And the pledge of allegiance!