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Democrats can Beat Trump without Impeaching Him.

The election is the impeachment.

Polls show there are smarter ways for Democrats to hold Trump accountable.

"Something about the word impeachment—maybe the impression that it reflects an agenda rather than an open-minded assessment of facts—turns people off."


LiterateHiker 9 May 14

Enjoy being online again!

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The impeachment process may have to be started in order for Congress to get the information they need since they are not getting cooperation through the subpoena process. They don't actually have to hold a vote to impeach, but if they can expose the crimes and embarrass Trump in 2020 that might be enough. I actually think it might be better for the Republicans to cooperate with the impeachment and get Trump out of office so that they can have a more appealing candidate in 2020 (it doesn't have to be Pence). Trump can't get the votes that he had in 2016 because he hasn't helped the people he said he would, and he has hurt a lot of people with his tariffs. He will still get the votes of the fanatics that attend his rallies, but he won't get the votes of the people who just didn't want to vote for Clinton in 2016 and voted for him instead.

A wild card will be the incredibly low turn out in 2016... there's a huge group of previously disenfranchised voters who might actually want to vote this next time

@Burner. I hope that is the case now that they have seen what happens when they don't vote. If the Democrats nominate a popular candidate they can get those extra votes (like Obama did in 2008).


House impeaches, senate convicts... The Senate has nothing to do with if he pres gets impeached, only what happens next. Clinton got impeached, he just didn't get convicted, same with Andrew Johnson. The house could impeach DT but if the Senate laughed it off, it's probably backfire for the dems. Stupid politics. []


Fuck that shit, IMPEACH NOW!


Slate seems to print the policy that the Dems are following right now. It made sense to me.


The partisan Republicans spent years investigating the Clintons and finally got Bill lying about a BJ. Trump has so many real impeachable offenses some of which he has already admitted that even the most fanatical Republican will have to hold their nose to vote for acquittal. The point is, when the House starts impeachment all records will be available to them - the truth will get out in a way that even Fox and Friends won't be able to spin it.

The House of Representatives would have all the power once they start impeachment. It must happen now before the next election cycle.

It is more important to get the facts in front of the voters before the election than worrying about what the Senate will do.


Very good points made in that article.

Unity Level 8 May 14, 2019

It'd be nice if we let the constitution work and shit. If impeachment fails due to Senate republicans then there's a good chance the dems take back the Senate in 2020. Impeachment will only hurt the dems if they do it wrong - which they could, they could fuck up a wet dream. Of would it be unfuck a wet dream? Such a confusing saying.

1of5 Level 8 May 14, 2019

You make a very good point. However I don't think this country can take more of bs in waiting until term is over and not getting elected a 2nd term. Impeach him and see if this country can repair the damage he has done.


I do not envy your situation in the states,,good luck,,we also have 2 or 3 the same up here,,hopefully common sense will come back in vogue and they will be defeated


Even though impeaching him would probably not remove him from office since it would be doubtful that enough Republicans would be on board. He definitely deserves the stain of impeachment on his record.


I'd like to beat Trump without impeaching him. How many lashes am I allowed? 😂


Regardless of the story that a sitting president cannot be indicted, POTUS is not above the law and can be indicted. He may not appear in court, and it is unlikely anyone can force him to attend, but he can be convicted in absentia. Unfortunately, the Dems controlling congress seem to be too cowardly, and the AG is acting as his personal attorney.

"Cowardly"... why use such a loaded word? It's not cowardly to make a realistic assessment of the likelihood of an impeachment resulting in conviction in the Republican Senate (slim to none), the likely public reaction (perceiving it as a political trick by which Democrats are trying to force Trump out of office), and knowing the political hay that Trump would make of such proceedings daily and the extent to which it would backfire and rile up his base.

It's extremely shrewd not to start a battle that you know you won't win. Save the political capital to spend where it does some good.

@Paul4747 Can you find anything in my post about impeachment. Your comment seems misplaced. BTW, I agree with you if I had been speaking of impeachment, since the likelihood of removing the president by impeachment is slim to none. Though, there are pundits on both sides of the issue of impeachment will benefit the Dems/GOP..


You better believe Dems can beat Trump without impeaching him! He is practically beating himself with everything he is doing to hurt the country we love...


True but we have to stand together

bobwjr Level 10 May 14, 2019

Who is "we"?

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