I’ve just recent learned about nihilism. Do you prefer atheism over nihilism? Feel they are so similar they are mostly one in the same?
I could not support the idea of having no moral principles or thinking that the world has no meaning at all. Cynicism and skepticism have their place of course, but not as my personal life goals. I would not put atheism and nihilism in the same category...they are not 'one in the same' to me at all.
Our Atheism is merely ancient Greek materialism and is unrelated to nihilism ....one is science observed evidence examined and the other is merely a skeptical hedonism
I prefer no "isms", which imply a philosophical classification. I am an "atheist", I do not study its philosophy, as there is none.
Religion has philosophy. Science used to be called "natural philodophy" until it was realised that, unlike alchemy, it wasn't based on musings.
Nihilism has nothing to do with atheism!
Please help me understand. What I’ve read made me feel like it was “along the same” thought process.
This may help, I personally try to avoid label's. Which is better I guess its a person's choice.They are not the same.
Morality or lack thereof seems to me to be part of the process. What is right or what is wrong, Is this a concept that exsists? What is the meaning of life?