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LINK College Democrats Protest New DCCC Vendor Policy - The Atlantic

"Another potential problem the students have expressed is keeping young people engaged. “The next generation of grassroots activists and organizers are really not happy with the way the Democratic Party is conducting itself,” Pearce says. If the party makes it harder to challenge incumbents, they’ll also make it harder for young people looking for change to feel excited about a candidate. “When we have younger voices and voices that better represent young people, they’re more likely to vote,” says Georgie Swan, who will serve as president of the Mississippi State College Democrats in the fall."

WilliamCharles 8 May 17

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Doesn't make sense. No support for challegers to incumbents.


Seems like AOC and others in 2016 showed that you could beat incumbents if your message connected with voters needs and desires, but nobody gets a free pass.

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