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LINK ‘They Came to Kill.’ Almost 5 Die Daily at Hands of Rio Police

It's a pathetic testament about US law enforcement when the number of people they killed in 2018 isn't all that different than a country engulfed in violence, turmoil, and corruption. Oh! Wait! Maybe we are exactly like Brazil in more regards than grotesque law enforcement murder numbers. 1165 killed here in America in 2018. 1538 in Brazil. I think the most noteworthy difference is how flippantly they openly talk about what they do. Here? You hear nothing until something is leaked. If they'd simply say, "“The police will do the right thing: Aim at their little heads and fire! So there is no mistake,” like Brazilian police state, or, "...a good criminal is a dead criminal." at least we could all expect these egregious acts. (The means of determining who's a criminal in Brazil is the same as in America ... who cares? Shoot to kill.) smh

SeaGreenEyez 9 May 27

Enjoy being online again!

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It gets very personal when you go to Dallas, Texas for the idiotic killing of a black man shot inside his own apartment. Amber Guyger is the former police officer who did the killing and media has went so far as to say "she shot and killed her neighbor." What a crock! Supposedly she claimed to have thought this man was in her apartment and they live on separate floors. How would that make them neighbors? At the current time a judge has put a gag order on this case until after the trial. This will and does include the media.


It only applies if you Ain't White here in the Good Ol' US of A!!!


Something needs to be done

bobwjr Level 10 May 27, 2019
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