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Am I being unreasonable?

The barista this morning gave me my coffee with "god bless you" written on the lid, i complained to the head office and posted about it on fb where a select few accused me of being the absolute worst etc etc for complaining about someone just being "nice". What's your view?

Sparkles 5 June 7

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89 comments (51 - 75)

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barista is akin to calling a garbageman a sanitary engineer.


It leaves me to wonder,.

Should they have received a cup of coffee with an Islamic blessing, would they have been upset?

Would they complain?

Would they have the balls to share it on FB?

I would be unhappy with ANY kind of religious message!


If it were me I would have written my phone number on it with a smiley face wink 🙂

Nardi Level 7 June 7, 2019

Well you made the noise they'll be careful to do such a thing with others in the future .. hopefully 🙂

Neenz Level 7 June 7, 2019

Just answer INSHALLAH.


Just curious, was this message written on everyone’s cup of coffee and did the barista know you are atheist (Did they do it to throw your atheism in your face)?

It was completely random so far as I can tell, i have a very specific coffee order and after working as a barista for years I'm unbelievably fussy about it so i generally have a polite conversation with the barista to ensure the coffee is right first time and that's the entirety of our conversation


I think you were right to do something. As you can see by the responses here from don't let them get you, ignore it or exactly what you did, there were choices. If you just ask for a new lid they think you're just a horrible non-believer and willl keep doing what they did. I think management does have to know so they can explain to their employees that not everyone agrees with such a statement and it's better to keep all of our customers.

lerlo Level 8 June 7, 2019

aside from the germs and unsanitary handling of the lid, just ask for a new lid, there's no need to waste time on idiots, they will never learn.

Not a good enough reason to let them skate with their bullshit.

@KKGator Amen!!!!!


I wouldn't have complained to the head office (posting about it on fb is fine imo). I think it's best not to blow this thing out of proportion especially when there was no ill intent to make a religious statement. The better strategy in this case would be to fight fire with fire. A snarky remark or just asking for a pen to cross out the "god" would have been sufficient. You now appear to want someone to be fired for essentially wishing them good luck (even if that might not be the case) and thereby play into the victim complex of this majority group. Christianity loves martyrs. Don't help them create more of them. As ridiculous as it might appear from the outside. At least that's my view. I wouldn't have looked down upon you if you had thrown the cup into his face, burnt the whole place down, ripped off your bare chest and screamed "God is dead! Motherf#$%ers!". At least that would have been badass 😉

Dietl Level 7 June 7, 2019

Employment laws here would make it pretty impossible for her to be fired unless she was a repeat offender or already bad at her job with multiple warnings accrued

@Sparkles It's more about how you are perceived in that situation. It doesn't really matter that some laws protect them. If people think you want someone to get fired even if you don't have a chance of succeeding that is bad optics. But you don't have to care what other people think.


I don’t know if I ll go to a manager for that . Most likely yes when I was at your age .🤗
Now days , I am thinking , people have rent to pay , perhaps a kid or two to feed , debt or student loans . Who wants to make coffee for assholes like me except if they have to , u know ?
Depends if I had the time , I ll ask for the marker and I ll pull a one dollar bill for the tip jar : “ satan does not care “.
If no time , I ll just tell him / her that w a smile and ✌🏻.
Does not matter .


I would have removed the lid and gotten another myself. The god lid I would leave right there on the counter.
A strong passive aggressive move
Then you just walk out the door and smile.


Trying to get someone fired is serious business that could have major repercussions on this persons life. If you are typical then It's no wonder people think atheists are miserable jerks. When that happens to me I usually I try to make a joke out of it.

I'm astounded by the unbelievable amount of ppl who actually think that there are no employment laws and that a minor complaint will lose this woman her job? What kind of backwards awful countries do y'all live in???

@Sparkles U.S.A. A private company can get rid of anyone they like..

@Sparkles The good ole US of A. I live in an "at will" state. One can be fired for any or no reason, at any time and it is LEGAL.



If you have time to complain about that, you have too much time on your hands.

gater Level 7 June 9, 2019

Let it ride and do nothing. If they’re not preaching in your face with it, it’s not a big deal. Be tolerant and save your energy for the real battles such as reproductive rights, LGBT issues, teaching real science and history in the schools. Don’t start wars over greetings...Merry Christmas, God bless you, Happy Easter, etc. When we start wars over greetings, we fall into the trap of the Fox News types and adds to their false narratives.

Then she has to walk around with someone else's message on her cup until she finishes her coffee.
I'm guessing the barista would NOT walk around with a cup that said "Hail Satan" or "Jesus is fiction."

@heymoe2001 And...? Just because some religious fanatic gets their undies in a bunch over ‘Hail Satan’ or other words on a cup, I would hope those of us of the secular persuasion would rise above it and get on with life. If it’s that big of deal, just change the lid. Pick your battles wisely.

I’m quite sure you’re not throwing your cash away, just because it’s imprinted with “In god we trust”... Should it be there.?...of course not. But brother, we have bigger fish to fry.


You are spending what?... 7 or 8 bucks for a shit cup of coffee?... They had no right to put that on your cup what if you had been Buddhist or Islamic?... Next time you run into this tell the "barista" to read their fucking bible because Matthew 6:5-9 says they can go to hell for this sort of obnoxious batshit...


These people are just following their interest in attempting to be nice. I get that. So, i usually do not bring it to their attention. To embarrass them won't get them to understand the ignorance of their behavior. And next time they may spit in my coffee.

And, as you have learned, the outrage mob will be all about how evil YOU are.


"Ahhh, today's coffee comes with a fairy tale. Thanks."


Some little things are so easy to just ignore and go with the flow

That is why they are doing crap like this, people ignore it , and it spreads and grows.

@nvrnuff I choose not to get caught up with that stuff.... Of course that's me


The barista's intentions were only good, and the writing absolutely harmless. There was no meaningful battle to be fought here, IMO.


I think it isn't something I'd say to a stranger, if I was a believer.


Sounds like you are just an ass who likes to complain with a half empty cup!

Cup was full, coffee was great... message was uninspiring


A Blessing has no monetary or any lasting value but it is an attempt to curry favor which is not always successful. It can discriminatory unless it is given to everyone.


I tend to evaluate these situations on whether or not what is said have any religious overtones. A few examples that tend to be merely social could be:

“Merry Christmas”
“Bless you (after a sneeze)”
“Thank God!”

In your case, writing “God bless you” on your coffee cup does seem to have religious implications, so I would also be put off to some level.

palex Level 6 June 7, 2019

That's over the line! That's selling religion. I would ask for a clean lid with no advertising on it.


Writing on the lid is non-hygeinic. Wishing me a blessed day, or go in peace, or whatever is well intended and won't in ANY way do me an ounce of harm. Respect is a two way street. I want my nonbelief respected and will respect that others have THEIR beliefs, godly or otherwise.

Zster Level 8 Feb 20, 2020
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