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It pains me to block ladies. Women need to support each other.

Yesterday I blocked a woman who repeatedly personally attacked me on

I feel sad. For some Pollyanna reason, I hope women will support each other.

Her last jab showed ignorance. She sent a message:

"Not very literate are you. Always edit. Then edit again."

I'm a published author. Writing a post is a first draft to me. With fresh eyes, I:

  1. Omit needless words.

  2. Make it easier to read.

  3. Clarify, often based on replies. ("Is that your daughter?" )

  4. Use more potent words.

  5. Correct typos.

Since when is editing a faux pas? It shows intelligence and an eye for detail.

More importantly, women need to support each other.

LiterateHiker 9 June 8

Enjoy being online again!

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I hardly ever manage NOT to edit a post. It shows that one has thought about one's words, and looked for typing errors.
Please keep editing!


I am a liberal so I block liberally, 167 so far, only twenty something women, mostly for male bashing and a few for being gun loving Trumpettes. I block the men for being really, really stupid about too many things to list. 🙂


I'm a liberal, too.

So far, I blocked 46 angry male Trumpsters and and 4 mean women.

They all personally attacked me. Report and block.

@LiterateHiker I don't believe I have ever seen a post or reply of yours that should piss anyone off. I did not get the whole editing thing. It would probably behoove me to edit my comments more than I do.

I've yet to block anyone yay me!

@Vintenar Cuts way down on the number of alerts on a daily basis and I know I have no interest in what these folks have to say. It is a wonderful feature.


Thank you.

She lashed out at me for joking that I will turn into a bag lady with grizzled white hair and eyebrows, flabby body, moustache and wrinkles if I don't do maintenance, hair color, exercise, sunscreen and moisturizer.

"Might as well turn into a mini-Sasquatch and disappear into the mountains," I quipped.

"Are you calling me a bag lady?" she asked defensively, and launched into a nasty, attacking tirade.

Actually, it fit her to a T.

@Sticks48 The only problem I had with too many alerts is when I subscribed to the Trump bashing group. I forget the name of it now, but I was getting so many it clogged my alerts. I had to scroll five pages just to delete them all. No Trump fan here, but I didn't want to spend that much time on Trump bashing jokes and all the crazy amount of alerts it was creating. I see how maybe getting rid of some of the unnecessary or aggravating commenters could be helpful in that regard.


I had the same problem.

@LiterateHiker It is obvious you care about the way you look and I commend you for it. If someone doesn't care about the way they look, why would I look? It is that old "first impression thing". Don't you stop girl. 🙂


Thank you, darlin'. I appreciate your kind words.


Amen sister. Women who don't support other women are a big part of why this nation is in such deplorable condition.


I guess I am different than you because I have blocked 16 people so far, both men and women as I believe in equal opportunity, and probably have been blocked by just as many, maybe more. I don't lose any sleep over either of those situations. I have strong opinions and I state them without mincing words and without apology, so I'm not surprised I get blocked a lot. I, like you, take pride in my writing ability and usually edit my comments at least once to make sure they are correct and understandable. Sounds like this person was being petty, spiteful and full of shit. I have seen much of your writing and I can see why you are published. I also think that Deiter's writing also rocks... As far as female solidarity, I can see why that is important to you, but character should always matter more than gender. Gender should never, at least in my book, trump character in how I judge people nor should it ever excuse bad behavior. I wouldn't lose any sleep over blocking this woman if I were you, but that's just me....

@Matias I blocked very few people the first year or so I was on here, but nowadays I am on here about every day, so I'm making up for lost time,lol...You've been on here about the same amount of time as me and need to pick up the pace, lol....

@Matias Yikes. I'm up to 84. To me it's just tailoring the site towards the more interesting and informed. Those who multi-post links or videos with no personal content, abusive people, or people who just want to argue indefinitely, I do not have to suffer.

@Gareth I tip my figurative hat to you sir, you are indeed a super-blocker. I need to get busier, lol....


Thank you, Tom! I appreciate you.


Male female or other all genders have the innate human right to be a total dick head, and everyone else has the right to call them out on it.
Beside which it might be pointed out to your correspondent that "Literate" is a superlative, you are either literate or illiterate, the phrase "Not very literate are you." is both nonsensical, grammatically incorrect and lacks the correct punctuation for a question (whether rhetorical or not).
She may as well have accused you of being a bit dead.
I hazard a guess she meant Unlettered, uneducated or inerudite but lacked the vocabulary skill to say so.



Thanks. I looked at her profile. She and I joined around the same time.

She has no followers and zero fans. That tells you something. In contrast, I have 160 followers and 1,743 fans. Case closed.

Wait, wait - you mean there's an actual point at which one turns from being illiterate into literate with no degrees between? How will I know if I've reached it?

@Gareth you won't be able to read this post.

@LenHazell53 Unfortunately I can


There isn't a bloody thing wrong with editing. I do it all the time.
I do it because it's important to ME, not because I'm trying to impress anyone.
I want to be understood when I'm communicating, which is kind of the point.

As much as it would be "nice" for women to support other women, it's simply
not realistic to expect it. Solidarity isn't a concept for some people.

I'm also REALLY okay with blocking and being blocked.
If I block someone, it's for my own reasons, which I never owe anyone an
explanation for. Neither do you. You have the right to block people who piss
you off, or are rude or abusive toward you. It's NOT "wrong", regardless of
what anyone else has to say about it.

As far as being blocked, I simply do not care why anyone would do it.
I accept that not everyone is going to like me. Which makes perfect sense,
because I don't like most people.

You're fine. You do you, and to hell with what anyone else thinks.

How's the foot?

@Ms_McSteven Well, I'm not here for dating so my perspective is completely different in that respect.

@Ms_McSteven That's true. I tend not to associate with women like that.
Assholes exist in all genders.
Which makes solidarity next to impossible to attain.

@Ms_McSteven There are people in this world who do stupid shit as easily as they breathe.

Candace Bushnell, the writer responsible for "Sex and the City", is one of those hypocritical women who preaches female solidarity, yet will thrown another woman right under the bus when it suits her.

One of my best friends was seriously involved with an actor who was working on one of her tv productions.
She attended the series premiere event with him, and told him (within earshot of my friend) that he "could do so much better" than my friend. Later, she was in the ladies' room, in a stall, and overheard Bushnell tell an actress in the cast the same thing.
When my friend exited the stall and looked right at her, CB refused to make eye contact and rushed out of the restroom. The woman she was talking to apologized to my friend, even though she hadn't said anything derogatory about her at all. She just knew how hurtful it was for anyone to hear someone else saying such horrible things about you.

Women are no better, and often worse, about supporting one another.


I am convinced that some gremlin changes my words between my typing them and their appearing as a post. I read through but I still often miss typos.
I agree - she could and should have been nicer. As a teacher, I am often tempted to correct grammar and spelling but I mostly resist.


I've had to block 2 female idiots on this site. They are permanently blocked!

It takes a lot for me to consider blocking someone.

One, completely bullied and attacked my boyfriend on here. Very disrespectful. Good thing she didn’t do it in person.

The other little girl on here, she got mad at me for telling another woman I was happy for her choosing birth control, instead of popping out a bunch of Welfare babies. I must have hit a nerve with her.

Ladies, close your legs and stop popping out kids if you can't afford them without government assistance! Do the right thing!


As long as you don't change the content of the message I see no problem. That has happened to me before from some of the more disingenuous members. Maybe that is where the suspicion is coming from.

Dietl Level 7 June 8, 2019

Agreed. Change the syntax but not the semantics because it's what you're trying to express.


Probably the same one I blocked...bossy bitch...nothing peeves me more than a person who assumes too much about me with a cricitcal attack instead of observing and looking at what is my "norm"...seriously, if you make any kind of mistake, I assume it is because you are in a hurry, are tired, etc. I know you because I read your posts and don't assume the worst in anybody...

Good move...and yes, I do think women need to support each other but there is no need for support from anyone who is off the rails...


She has a rectangular, black tattoo on her lower lip. User name: Annaleda.

@LiterateHiker ha ha guess there are more than contact with that


That's crazy.
I've always enjoyed your posts. One reason is your writing style. Editing just confirms the fact that you're quite "literate".


Thank you. Glad you enjoy my writing.


What a troll and such horror! Editing now! ; )


I've seen her posts. It saddens me to think people have to be that critical and negative toward others. We're here to support each other for so many different reasons and should help each other feel empowered.


I block anyone that is irritating.. why not ?


Once a post has been reacted or responded to, I will not edit, except with a specific note to that effect and the nature of the change (eg to remove an ambiguity or if there's a ridiculous typo). Otherwise, it does a disservice to those who responded on the basis of the original.


Women need to support one another? Isn't that what bras are for? 😛


If I was you I certainly would not loose any sleep over it. If I guess correctly who it is, she does that to everyone. As to editing, I always edit, edit and edit again, it does not make me a good writer, but it is just the way of writing which seems to come naturally to me, never thought of doing it any other way.


alas, ignorance, stupidity and meanness know no gender divide. we SHOULD be supporting one another.

as for editing... not only is each of us human and thus fallible and capable of making typos (proofreading fixes that) and not only are some of us literate and able to edit as well as mere proofreading, for those qualities you have mentioned and more, but ag dot com itself has been known to take a bite out of our posts, not by way of censorship but as a technical glitch i don't think even ag dot com yet understands. when i first got here, i found that my posts would end of without the word "to." it was neatly removed from every post, and a couple of spaces remained where it had been, perhaps to show me that i had not typoed. it was just plain weird. then it stopped. that was just plain weird too. i try not to criticize people for what might be a hungry ag dot com or even a mere typo, or even bad writing if it's still SOMEWHAT coherent, but man, when people rant and rave and aren't nice about it and get all personal... gender be damned, they're GONE from MY world!


p.s. i just had to edit this because "bad" writing came out "mad" writing! i considered leaving it. i kind of liked it. however, i really had meant "bad."

I usually use Grammarly plugin and Grammarly keyboard for my phone to help me fix my typo's, but for some weird reason, it doesn't always work on this site. It actually wasn't working till just now. I had to previously right click whenever a little scribbly line shows up under a word then select the proper spelling, but it didn't work as well. Sometimes though Grammarly messes up and I don't realize it and that makes things worse.

@Vintenar i get a squiggly line here even without grammarly; there is one under your name lol and anything with an apostrophe even if it's correct, but if i type a real word and it's the wrong real word -- nada. nada isn't a word according to this either. so i have to use my editorial skills, and they sometimes go dormant when i should be dormant myself. if this were a formal bit of writing i'd be more conscientious, and i do try to fix errors even here if i find them, but i'm not as worried (as is evident by my eschewing initial caps) in informal writing. however, i do not go so far as trying to use chat speak in here! ewwww!


@genessa I figured out the difference from Grammarly works to when it doesn't. It seems it only works in replies but does not work in replies to post. I made a support request to Grammarly, and request to Slimjet for fixing this issue.

@Vintenar oh boy it sounds like a hassle! i am glad i am an ex-magazine editor and -english teacher. it doesn't give me superpowers but it definitely renders editing/proofing for myself easier than it might be for some others, even considering my poor eyesight and perpetual exhaustion as a counterbalance.


@genessa I had some help with the problem from a smart user on this site, who most likely had already had the issue. Tech support for Grammarly was of no use to me fixing the issue. The issue was me having turned on the "fancy text editor" in the options on this site. That option is currently in the off state.

@Vintenar i used to volunteer for aol, well before the law decided that aol, as a profit-making entity, did not have the right to make people work for free. the section of aol for which i volunteered was, like most or all such sections, an independent contractor. it was for a time plagued by hackers who would go into the leaders' profiles and brag on them that they'd "owned" said leaders. i was the only leader who never got hacked, but sometimes i went to look at the profiles of the others, and i would see this bragging line. the owners of the profiles never saw the bragging. why? because i am a compulsive tweaker and customizer, and upon acquiring a new computer the first thing i do is change the background and text colors (and everything else). the hackers knew almost no one does this and thus bragged in white type -- white on white being invisible. it showed up quite plainly to me, of course. i told the other leaders about it and they were astonished. i told them how to check it for themselves: select all on their profiles, copy it up and paste it into windows write. then change the font color or the background color and presto hacko, the bragging lines would show up. they said i should report this to tech support, so i called tech support on the phone and was trying to describe the problem. when i got to the "copy and paste" part the aol tech stopped me. "how do you copy and paste?" he asked. it's not just grammarly, m'dear. tech support just universally sucks!

and furthermore, while i'm ranting along, i will tell you why (i think) tech support, like so much else, universally sucks: the O word. what's the O word, you ask? OVERQUALIFIED! no one will hire you if you have a brain. they will tell you you're overqualified. they're afraid you'll get bored and leave, they're afraid you'll get motivated and take over the company, they're afraid you'll think they're dumb. well, they ARE dumb. my late best friend, who was an actors' manager, told me that once a studio exec complained to him that he just couldn't get good help. every administrative assistant he hired turned out to be a dud. how in the world could he get a good one? my friend said, let me hire your next administrative assistant, the studio exec said okay, and my friend followed through. the exec came to him raving: she's wonderful! i can't get over it -- how the hell did you DO that? my friend said, well, i just hired the best person who applied for the job. (now why didn't the exec think of that? lol!) obviously, tech support for most entities operates as that studio exec had been operating: don't hire anyone who's too good because that person is overqualified. dumb!


@genessa I don't recall having purchased AOL internet, but I do recall seeing the $10 internet cd roms being sold in every store. I did use AIM messenger for a time though, back when those were popular.

I had a credit card hacked once. I found out when the FBI Called me telling me that they stopped the $280 some dollar purchase in Florida from leaving the country. The store realized the purchaser had the wrong credit card user information.

I think my email may have been hacked possible before.


I find that I need to edit quite often too. When you read your text back it often needs amending in retrospect...that you feel the need to do so only shows a wish to communicate your message in the most clear and unambiguous manner. I also think that the odd word sometimes seems to disappear after the post is sent....rendering it not exactly nonsensical, but making less sense than intended. As far as women supporting each other, well yes in general I agree, but as far as posts are concerned I am gender neutral in that respect. It is the content I respond to, either in support of a view or to posit a contrary one. Do you really feel that women need to support each other’s posts, just because of some sort of sisterly sense of duty? We are better than that surely, we are intelligent and at the very least are the intellectual equals of the male contributors.


On several of my posts, she belittled me, maligning my character. Personal attacks are against guidelines.

Disagreement is fine. We need to be kind.

7 Reasons Women Need To Support Each Other


@LiterateHiker I don’t disagree with you blocking her...that is your prerogative. She seems a thoroughly obnoxious must take any steps you feel you need to. I also agree in general with women looking out for each other, and in my personal and professional life I have always done so. Without the support of my network of female friends I would have found it difficult to face the reality of losing my son earlier this year, they have sustained me through those dark days. What I don’t subscribe to is just supporting a post here on Agnostics purely because the poster is a woman. One can disagree with the content of a post, regardless of the gender of the poster, but always in a civilised manner. If someone cannot disagree, or put a contrary view in a civil and non-confrontational manner, then male or female, I cut them off completely. I do find it’s usually men who are rude, although I too have run across one or two women. Generally I just ignore them and their posts and that seems to work for me.


I totally agree. I constantly edit myself. It's a smart thing to do. People who think that everything that flies out of their pie-hole is fine the way it is don't know they are falable or could improve themselves and what they say. And if they criticize anyone who does, they're just trying to trip them up in order to look better by comparison. What an idiotic, adversarial and detrimental way to live life. We should all try to do better and support each other, which is on the way to finding common ground and making the world a better place.


you are most likely blocking a jerk. jerks come in all sizes and shapes, and genders. jerk blocking is needed.


To me to edit your own post is your prerogative, and from what I have you do very well keep on editing. 👍 Your pictures are great also 😁🌞


Thank you so much!

@LiterateHiker you are very welcome


Personally, I am a lousy editor. I try but it is a craft that needs practice every day. If I get the typos its a good day. I don't think I have seen any from you that warrants what happened and breaks the code of conduct that brought me here in the first place. To me, this is a haven from the toxic world around us and your action regardless of male or female preserves this haven and we all should keep that in mind. To me attacking a person is the worst thing. So I wonder if this person had something else on their agenda? What it was. we will never really know and you should just keep on doing what you do or they will have achieved their goal.


It frankly pains me a little to block anyone, male or female, because I feel atheists and agnostics need to support one another; but I eventually realized with deep chagrin that jerkass conservative trolls are not confined to the religious Right. Nor are all conservatives jerkass trolls, so please don't mistake me for calling out all conservatives; I have encountered a few liberals who meet the definition as well.

Sadly, the one thing that presumably brought us all to this site is not enough to unite us all against a common enemy sometimes.


Too bad for her.

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