Of course! Those PsOS aren't concerned with revenue to the country ... they're only concerned with the only top 1%ers. This is going to bankrupt America, just as Trump has bankrupted everything his hands have ever touched. smh
The bankruptcy began with ReaGUN TRIPLING THE NATIONAL DEBT over 3 trillion with tax cuts and insane murderous spending like the 500 old ship Navy and incompetent White House getting hundreds of Marines killed in a Beirut hotel...only Clinton balanced the budget 2 years with fair taxes boy Bush raised the debt to 12 trillion got over fifteen thousand brave Americans killed in illegal wars ObushaObombney slowed down the debt racked up by Rethuglican polluter oil war crime profiteering bankster zionism but now TrumpOLINI IS RUNNING TRILLION DOLLAR PER YEAR DEBTS up to 22 trillion ....only @HowieHawkins20 can save us with peace through green jobs