What is the most influential work that helped shape your perceptions on your outlook of life?
It is problematic on an Atheist Agnostic forum to say that the Bible has had the biggest influence of my life. As a yoiung child my mother started me learning to read by having me read the Bible. I was a Christian the majority of my life. I believed the Bible was a message to mankind from God so I studied incessantly to learn what God had to say. But then I was asked to lead a Bible Study at my Church. I wanted to do an excellent presentation so I studied each week and filled about a half dozen notebooks with notes. But strangely I began to notice problems with the Bible. Over a period of years I became more and more skeptical. I kept trying to harmonize the inconsistencies. Finally, I realized the only way to harmonize the Bible was to accept the fact that it is the greatest fraud perpetrated on mankind and God didn't inspire it and in fact there is no God.
The TAO TE CHING. It and the PROPHET, by Khalil Gibran were very influential in shaping my outlook and behavior towards my world.