Conditioning, fear of change...
Major question I have been asking for years. IMHO religion has played a major role, why the gnostics failed and their teachings were suppressed I have no idea.
That's not to say if we had a matriarchal society women would not be as controlling, bullying, genital grabbing, etc.
So that leaves money and greed which IMHO is behind most of not all religions.
Why equality is so scary for so many is beyond me.
I didn't see any reference to the bible stating woman should submit to their husbands.
"Let your women keep silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak; but they are to be submissive, as the law also says. And if they want to learn something, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is shameful for women to speak in church".
One of many passages stating women are submissive to men
I think you should study the bible a bit more.
@Moravian I think I know all I need to know about the bible already. I'm not big on fiction.
@rogueflyer Make your mind up . First you say there is no reference to patriarchy in the bible , which is untrue then you say you know all you need to know about the bible.
Not only are the first books of the old testament interesting stories it is important to have a working knowledge of them to counteract the proselytizing of theists