I didn't know Philadelphia was on the Mexican boarder. Fucking public school geography/history edumication.
Maybe someone should send it to Donald to keep him quiet
He's got much better drugs than coke, although I'm all in favor of him trying to snort several hundred million bucks worth of it all at once. He's the bestest at everything, after all, and should be able to do it. Maybe we can do something like the ice bucket challenge and see if he tries it?
Damn, we need that wall.
Absolutely. The magic of the wall will prevent everything we don't like.
@1of5 WOW.. I'm glad to see you guys finally coming around. Yes, US Customs and Homeland Security that find that shit IS part of the wall, and it did it's job finding it. The wall works whether you like it or not. BUILD THE WALL! BUILD THE WALL! BUILD THE WALL! ✌
@Captain_Feelgood wow. That's as stupid a statement as I'll read today. Congrats.
I wonder if they'll figure out where it was shipped from.. Who wants to bet it came out of Central/South America??