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What brings you joy?

As a follow up to my last question, what brings you JOY? Whatever that means to you. For me, it is freedom, constraints of most kinds pull me back from joy in varying degrees. On a day when I have no obligations and can move about the world in whatever way I want (that doesn’t hurt or infringe upon others) ..I feel JOY in being randomly placed here on Earth.

LauraBlackLMT 3 Mar 14

Enjoy being online again!

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When a favorite song comes on the radio. I love to car karaoke and dance.

And singing at the top of your lungs while driving! It's the bomb diggity!


A few things bring me joy. I like to workout at the gym so I can be more healthy, more in shape, and toned. I like that I have common sense and that I don't have a habit of swearing. I have not sworn (occasionally here, sorry) verbally around people since January. I'm joyful I'm not broke anymore and that I can now afford life. I'm joyful I have friends on here as well. Oh, and the big one, I'm happy that I'm alive.

wish i could do that!!!! i guess i could but cussing gets the point across better....sometimes but not always

Thats alot to be happy about! Good for you!

@surfdad08 Thanks.

@SeeCanU Lol. I grew up not cussing around my family, but only at school. I can control it.

Brilliant ! I won't go as far as the gym though ... After all you cannot improve on perfection!

@MarcIveson Lol.


Music, lively banter, a walk in the outdoors or a drive with little traffic.


Same answer, as always.

You beat me to it! Ruby is my daily dose of joy.


Learning, laughing and observing all aspects of nature.


A day when I learn something new, see something I've never seen before. A day where I bring a smile to a total stranger - or my companion. It sounds corny - but I enjoy going to a techy museam w/ a lawyer - I learn a bit, I teach a bit, stretch my mind a bit ... yeah, all of that brings me joy.


Playing good music with good musicians.

Couldn't agree more.


Helping others. My dogs. Trump being indicted. Simple things you know.


My vibrators usually...

Plural?,..... Greedy eh ?

@MarcIveson not all about variety!

@Charlene Ah!Ha! The spice of life !

@MarcIveson ain't it just!


A chat with an intelligent person, my girlfriend's promotion last week, an student getting his/her degree, installing the flat molding on my bathroom's ceiling, preparing the costume (and the ridiculous hat) for the fashion show next month, the book I am reading....The list is long


Doing for others. Right now I volinteer at a Nature Non-Profit doing whatever they need and I love the feeling.


Intellectual discovery and my daughter. She makes me smile daily.


Being in love, my animals, travelling, exploring and rivers, lakes, mountains and wildlife.


I have 2 sons who are currently struggling with life in general; depression, etc. I've told them they need to find what gives them joy, so your post caught my eye. I've been pretty depressed lately so your question has actually helped me this morning, thank you!
There are many things that give me joy. But one special source is just the earth itself. When I can stand in a clearing in the woods and feel the warmth of the sun soak into my skin...feel the breeze lift my hair...smell the earth and the growing things...hear the buzz of insects and the quiet rumblings of moving water....these things fill me with a profound joy. The joy of just being alive...


Smashing the patriarchy.
Being cool as a cucumber.


That's bird species I've not yet photographed, and ripe monthong durian! YUUUUUUM!

Pic is me eating durian while visiting Penang Island, Malaysia


I could look it up...but I'm What's durian?

@BookDeath True. I thought it smelled like dead socks until a friend dared me to eat some, and once I did I was hopelessly hooked. Monthong durian is very expensive, but I lived in an area where people grew it, so was able to get it fairly cheap.

Durian is probably the reason I stayed so long in Thailand (over seven years) instead of leaving in two years, as I'd planned.

@Freespirit64 Here's a wikipedia link, with photos- []

@Freespirit64 Weren't Durian Durian a group of young people with funny haircuts singing about nothing in particular in the 80,s or 90,s ?

@MarcIveson LOL! Durian is WAY better than Duran Duran music!

@MarcIveson close enough! Lol


A babies laughter, diagnosing and then implementation of an appropriate treatment regiment for the betterment of my patients. Sunset on the beach, especially the merge. Traveling and meeting new folks. My friends and family. Good food and drink. The joy of living.


Volunteering, my friends and fur babies. 🙂


Being in the presence of my loved ones. The beauty of nature, It never ceases to blow me away). When somthing works!! Cooking for my loved ones. Tasting delicious things. Sitting by a fire. Snorkling. Listening to killer music. Color. Being in the arms of a loved one. Helping others.


Smashing Cheetos and watching SpongeBob Square pants


Making others smile and laugh. And cocaine ?






Joy? What's that??!! Let me see... I suffer of old age. That 's no joy. I suffer from this and that on my body's heath. That 's no joy. I don't know what joy is. Can't see too good anymore... my skin color is the wrong one... my books are not selling... My website what's my website url? I can't remember!!! I see no joy, but one instant. And that is to make this comment for you today!!

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