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Two Buffoons: Trump and Boris Johnson

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it's the Russian intelligence service at its best, no one ever planned for having a russian stooge in the white house and now the UK too. He is killing democracy


The U. S. and England are in a bad place. If the is the bst we can do then we are truly fucked.


Pity,what the western worlds are doing to themselves and the majority have no idea and follow along like chickens with their heads cut off obvibulous to what is really going on


Yeah scary isn't it

bobwjr Level 10 July 27, 2019

Trump and Boris Johnson, proofs that our democracies are in really bad shape.


huffpost want my data - so not read the article. Boris is intelligent and has a broad knowledge and I believe trump is intelligent, but less knowledgable. ..... neither is a traditional politician and they will shake up and change the world political system.....some for good, some for bad ... no idea how history will treat either of them

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