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Would you rather lose all of your money and valuables or all of the pictures you have ever taken?

Crimson67 8 Mar 17

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Easy question money! Pictures are more valuable to ME.

Nena Level 6 Mar 17, 2018

I would rather cherish my photo albums and have little money/valuables to lose.


Taking pictures has always been more meaningful to me than the pictures themselves. That being said, I have acumulated thousands of pictures that I would never be able to replace, friends that are gone, places that no longer exist, and places I will never be able to go back to. While money is nice, I don't have fond memories of getting paid.


Well, I can tell you that standing by helplessly while several hundred sets of carefully crafted plans, drawings, paintings, sculptures, models, manuscripts, and several thousand irreplaceable photographs go up in smoke sucks big time. All that stuff represented a large chunk of what would have represented my retirement funds. So, as a 'survivor', I can tell you that either one would not be a pleasant experience.

The fire department guys wouldn't let me get close enough to cook hot dogs or roast marshmallows, either. Total waste.

Damn, I'm sorry you had to go through that. I can't even imagine.

@Paul628 -- The plans were actually the worst part. I designed yachts as well as ships, and we can sell what we call "stock plans" forever. They represented thousands of hours of work, they were the originals, and they really did amount to my retirement. Yeah, it hurt a lot. On the other hand, I have never let anything make me miserable, so it didn't affect how I felt about life. It just made my retired life a few thousands of dollars a month less lucrative, but even that doesn't get me down. Upward and onward I always say.

@evidentialist You took it a whole lot better than I would.

@Paul628 -- Not much choice, man.


Never been a huge picture person, and generally have a good enough memory to just take in the moment is remember it. I've worked too hard for what I currently have, and while money may not entirely buy happiness, it certainly gives one some peace of mind.


I'd rather lose the pictures. A memory of money does not help me.


Pictures. I hate myself in pictures anyway and have a low opinion of my photography. Plus I don't really have that many good memories! Easy.


Valuables and money you can get back. Once a picture is gone, it can't be replaced. I treasure memories rather than material things.


I have no valuables, almost no money, but the pictures I have taken are also few. Toss a coin?
Nah, I will keep my tiny savings.


I've lost both a few times, divorce and death are very inconvenient


I don't take pictures, so I'll keep my stuff thank you. 🙂




I think I could lose about 10 or 20 pictures without it changing my life much...hehe


All of the pictures I have ever taken.


Well, I value my pictures very much, but I still have to live. Without any money I will loose my pictures eventually anyway. Pictures essentially are pieces of frozen memory. When I die, even for my children they have little value, as they are mostly my memories. I prefer to keep both though.

Gert Level 7 Mar 17, 2018

Lose the pics. My relatives have copies. With money, I can make more


For the love of Money! How much Evil done!


Pictures as I can replace all of them with my CD


Money and valuables for sure in the long run.


Pictures- you can’t replace them


Pictures. I don't want to build up my retirement again. Even if I lose the pics I still have the memories...


That's difficult to answer since I lost everything last year.

Thank you. I still think of things lost, but now think of the more important things in life. 🙂


Definitely pictures. I keep pictures in my mind anyway.


Pictures!! I can take more. Also since every photo I've ever taken is backed up on Google drive, that would mean something bad happened in the world if I lost them.


That's easy my picture's. I was pretty much retired by the time I was 45, then I lost everthing.

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