Ladies and Gentlemen, I give the you MF #45 of the US.
Just the clips I saw on TV showed the workers behind the president fairly emotionless during the speech. There is no way I could have kept a straight face listening to the things he said. Horrible how they would lose pay if they didn't stand in support whether they truly felt supportive or not. Glad that awareness about the situation the workers were in has been made public.
I have heard that most of the people who stand behind the orange wonder are paid to be there. Watch what happens as people are moved around and positioned so the camera shows a more supportive group. Comments?
Not only is this a vile use of Union labor this plant will crack ethane to produce MORE fucking plastic. Air quality around the area will likely get worse but hey ya got jobs and who cares about anything but money. Big oil will stamp out any progressive ideas to help the planet and the people on it for their profits.
Their goal is indentured servitude, followed by actual slavery.
@BitFlipper The book they think is great is "The Road to Serfdom".
This is fascism...plain and simple.
@StarvingArtist Yes fascism has returned....but never thought it would be in the guise of the US President.