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Should you ask a date for his/her credit score? Why/why Not?

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I ask for it in my profile. It is an indicator of financial awareness & responsibility. Is not dating similar to an interview or application for a loan of my time or the hiring of an associate.....but much more intimate? The Donald has a credit score so low that he had to go to Germany for a loan subsidized by Putin thru money laundering. Deutsche Bank. So I would not date this man were he the last pussy grabber .......but I digress. Yes. Ask for that credit score.....mine in 825 but I am working on it.


Should you ask a date if they shaved their genitals earlier?

no cos its ridiculous as the initial question 🙂

Oh! Maybe that's why my dates aren't working out....

@Blindbird agree..definitely shave...I'd make sure we get that out the way before I pay half the dinner bill(otherwise I'm doing one of those, "I'll be right back..need the toilet"..>>>> 😉

Laughing my brains off.

Don't you think it would be better to ask if he / she washed the genitals instead? 🙂)

@Blindbird ha!

@Rudy1962 boy, I'm fucking up this dating thing left & right!

@Blindbird it is confusing


Depends on how badly you want to get rid of them.


A date never, none of your business. Your partner if you are looking at making a large purchase together, otherwise it is still none of your business!

Kimba Level 7 Mar 18, 2018

No-its none of your business, If you are joining households I would consider it


That's kinda invasive for a first date. Maybe if you're thinking about marriage, but until then I wouldn't worry about it.


Absolutely not. Not unless they volunteer the information with a reason. My credit is low because of the ex-spouse and illness. You should however, do a mini-background check. Public records show criminal and civil court documents. So the guy who says he's single? Marriage and divorce records are public. Cheers.


That's definitely like...6-12 months into a relationship questions


Justin. Mind if I ask why you felt as though this should be a question that should be asked? Has a date recently asked you this question? Or were you yourself thinking about asking this question?

thats my first thought too 🙂

Yes, in fact, I found it a little unsettling.

Yes to which part?


If you are planning on signing a lease?

Yes. Absolutely.

You are probably with a grifter if they resist.


If it's important to you,yeah. I think credit scores are invasive and unamerican, personally, so a question like that would be a date killer. With my credit score,you wouldn't want to date me anyway,so.....


It's a date not a job interview. "So tell me, what makes you a better candidate to be my mate than the other people I'm considering?".

@ScienceBiker well with my track record, I guess I am not in a position to criticize

@ScienceBiker well with my track record, I guess I am not in a position to criticize

@Rudy1962 You could say that again ?


That seems kind of weird to me...


Perfectly reasonable question in a rational world. Just not this one.


No way!


Not at all. When in a relationship then sure.


Not the first date, maybe not even the second. Lots of things happen to change a credit score so I am not going to base the relationship on a credit score.


The averae person usually doesn'tknwo their score.

I dont' think it is neccessary. You can figure otu how financilly reponsible a person is just by interactign with them. Credit scroes denote perceived financial risk to banking institutions, but sledom take into account personal circumstance or misfortune.

As an example, I was considered a great credit risk. However, due to a rre hereditary eye disease, i started to go blind, lost my job and eventually went bankrupt. The eye disease skipped to many generations, nobody knew it ran in the family. So, there was no way to anticipate it.

Afer bankruptcy, I ws considered a poor risk. However, through it all I managed to somehow alays pay the rent and untilities, buy groceries and didnt' end up on the streets. I look back in wonder, as i am nto completely sure hwo I managed it. In any case despite my misfortune, I still was as responsible as was possible.

A few years ago durign "Occupy Wall Street" was goign on I moved my bank account from a big bank to a local credit union. When I opened the account, they offered me a credit card, and the terms were very good so i said OK. As a "by the way" thing he told me my credit scroe was 810 at the time. Which I am told is good.

However, being 55 and legally blind, I am on a fixed incoem and have no prospects for future employement, so I dotn' really think the credit score is a godo reflection of my actual current financial position, although last time I checked it did reflect my level of responsibility pretty accurately. Still, my credit score varied due to circumstances beyond my personal control.

I think it is a poor system to reduce a person to just a number.


Anybody who asks a question like that is obviously a golddigger!


Funny thing is, many people in my age group would not even know their credit scores. Someone could ask for mine it is pretty great but I would feel weird if they did ask, especially on a first date... like what a random ass question. XD


Are you effing kidding me? do you ask her what size bra she wears too? what a tactless child you are.


First date no. If yall get serious and start dating more and in a committed relationship yes that's fine to ask, but to me thats months away. I don't care what your credit score is first few dates. When yall are wanting to purchase things together that's when it matters.


Had that happen to me and it was quite offensive. As if I was nothing more than an arbitrary number calculated by a bunch of arbitrary rules. I believe in saving up money if you plan on buying something. Have no interest in playing the debt game so popularized by the US.


Silly question😛

CREDIT is a euphemism for DEBT, so by right you would be asking what is their DEBT level! 😛


Does it matter at all what their score is?

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