Do you desire monogamy? Is it something you search for? Is it a personal choice? Are there building blocks to monogamy or is it a building block to, say, polygamous relationships?
Monogamy is the only way to go fir me. I wouldn’t be able to share my woman with anyone else.
This is going to sound odd but I have no desire for monogamy nor polyamory. I am open to both. I've been in both kinds of relationships.
I am currently sexually monogamous but emotionally polyamorous. It's not that I wouldn't be open to others sexually. If and when I felt it was something I wanted, I would do something about it. I haven't in a long while (4 years now).
I do go on dates though. I have had some wonderfully romantic dates that didn't lead to sex.
And I love kisses, but other than kisses and cuddles, not much else happens. But the additional affection is wonderful. I love my friends dearly and I value them as highly as the partner I'm living with. And on some days even more because my partner and I can bicker a lot about stupid stuff. My friends and I never do.
But I only date poly men. I don't like the pressure monogamous men put upon me for sex or sexting. I also don't like how many men were married and looking for something "discreet".
It makes me feel sad and ill these days. How many people actually get a charge out of the secret-keeping. How many risk destroying their families not because of the cheating (which is bad enough) but because of all the lying that has to be done to cheat (I think that is the worst part of cheating).
Poly people work a lot harder at honesty and openness and they often get STD tested far more frequently than their monogamous counterparts that are cheating.
I think everyone is different and should do a lot of soul searching to decide what they really need and be honest with themselves. Monogamy is great. But so is polyamory.
There is no one right way to do relationships, but knowing yourself is key. Don't force yourself to be something you aren't.
Beautifully worded. Highly insightful. Ty
No. As a child I watched people in strictly monogamous relationships cheat on one another, keep secrets, and basically tear themselves apart for the sake of maintaining some illusion of "normalcy". It's definitely an individual choice as not everyone is suited to monogamy, though I personally think it breeds more jealousy and frustration than a polyamorous relationship does.
It's never been something I actively sought out. I'd rather my partner be happy, whether with me or with several people, than feeling trapped in a two-person relationship that limits them in one area or another. I also, of course, prefer having my options open and it doesn't diminish my love for whoever I'm with if I happen to develop an interest in someone else.
I identified as "polyamorous" for about 35 (+ or -) years. People who self-identify as polyamorous can lie, be jealous, and keep secrets from each other, too. Serial-monogamists, monogamists, etc... don't have the market cornered on deception or self-deception.
Absolutely true, @ailurophile. But many poly people are also able to work through jealousy and keep to agreements.
@Atheopagan I'd be curious to see stats. I suppose they would be self-reported stats, so...
hard to get a ballpark number. I've known a few people in successful poly relationship geometries, but even more monogamous people in successful relationships. Of course, this is all anecdotal.
In any and all relationships trust and communication are key buliding blocks.
VERY true
Isn't being single monogamous?
Nice lol you know what I mean
Or is being single monotonous?
@HippieChick58 All I know is that it's the most boring kind of mono you can get.
In the same way that masturbation is 'gay sex for one?'
I was just having a conversation about this with someone yesterday. I don't think monogamy comes naturally. I think a lot of relationships get destroyed unnecessarily when one partner falls for someone else. I also think that monogamy and marriage,in particular,come from a place of fear. Fear of being alone, fear of losing a partner, fear of being loved less. I decided a while back not to be afraid anymore. I want someone who wants to be with me, and it doesn't bother me if they want to be with someone else as well(and vice versa). I think demanding monogamy is on par with demanding that your friends not have any other friends because you're jealous.
Well put
@ashortbeauty thank you
It's my favorite furniture. Oak is not a warm color.
Another jokester welcome
I always thought the practice of putting your initials on everything was an ostentatious thing mostly done by rich people to show off.
@ashortbeauty Thanks
Monagamy is a cultural practice in our society and in many others. Even if it were not, I believe that I would prefer monogamy. I think that it would be too difficult to sustain tryly loving and caring relationships between myself and more than one woman.
Monogamy is the only way for me. I can’t share I tried. I’m to jealous for that. I’m not crazy kind and f jealous I trust who I’m with till they give me a reason not to trust them and then it is over. But poly works for some people just not for me.
I'm with you on that. I've tried it and there was more jealously than love flowing amongst us.
I've known happy and unhappy people in both monogamous and non-monogamous relationships. Reading over these comments, it's obvious some people are strongly drawn to one or the other, and some are somewhere in the middle. I was very much a monogamous person for many years, then later preferred poly; I do not think this was an "evolution", so much as a change in taste. The only thing bad about either is if your partner(s) is/are not on board with your decision.
So far, you're the only one who has addressed the last part of the question. Ty
@ashortbeauty I had two relationships in my 20s in which my partner wanted to be non-monogamous, and it absolutely did NOT work for me to the core of my being. At that time in my life, if asked, I would have said I was monogamous for life. However, I did eventually change and was even the person to bring it up in a later relationship. My partner was into trying it at that time, and for awhile, it was the happiest I ever was. However, I don't think I could have forced that change... it just happened, the same way I hated Brussel sprouts at one time and now love them!
I totally desire Monogamy, if i can't have that in a Realtionship that ,we can't be involved . Im a touchy feely type of person when with a woman, so totally no affection or Monogamy wouldn't ever work out
I can only do monogamy. I can't even date multiple people at the same time...I lose track of who is who, who I did what with, even call people by the wrong name (which can happen, and bad sense of geography, run in the family). Plus, I prefer someone I can be alone with...not all the time...but our relationship must be alone together. I never have the urge to cheat, because I do not find sex for sexes sake very interesting. I have been in relationships where the other person was in a polygamous relationship, and I was 'the other guy'. But it didn't last long. And the funny thing is, I sorta don't mind it, though, as I got older, the realization of playing 'v.d. russian roullette' became more and more real (I am clean but so many of my friends got the Hep C and a few have died or are going to die from it).
Hep c can be cured now. Have them see their docs
@ashortbeauty eh, the liver damage is done...bad living choices that they refuse to I guess it isn't the hep c, but the things that were enfolded around it.
@JohnnyThorazine gotcha
you are right on johnny thorazine. it only takes one poke to get a vd and i'm not wanting that to be the 100'dth poke in the same girl where she got it from doing one guy the week before and a month after i met her.... i'll say it again - i'd NEVER want anything other than a monogamous relationship....NEVER. lol i know a guy that was on thorazine - are you a vietnam vet?
@Maiasaura Exactly! I remember watching some show when I was young...might have even been an after school special...they traced a strain of vd....great show, because to this day, it has kept me safe!...haha
@SeeCanU My dad was. I am an old punk rocker...haha....and a former marine....I got combat pay, so I suppose I am a vet...don't think about it...haha
thank you for your service, sir! and thank your dad!
I want to be Enough. I want her to be enough.
Its personal choice but you should always be honest right from the start what ever you do.
I do not want, nor believe in, polygamy. I have a lot of negative opinions and beliefs and distrust from polygamy and that has been from personal experience.
I do not tell others they can't, nor do I try to hinder their rights, because I would be a hypocrite to advocate LGBT+ rights if I turned around and treated polyamorous people with the same cruelty, however I will not lie about how I feel about it.
The only exception to my "not try to destroy their rights" is brainwashed and cult-ish abusive like the FLDS mormons and that creepy AF sister-wives guy. He is a chomo, I am willing to bet money on it. It's just a matter of time before it comes out...then he'll be advocating that it's also his right to take children as wives...just like the FLDS...Dude gives me the serious heebie-jeebies...
I've always been this way too, but I thought I'd give a polyamorous relationship a try, and it only solidified my severe dislike of it.
Not anymore.
Not now.
Of course.
You do know I had to scroll back n forth just to respond to you...right?!?
Now, your What response. Can monotonous relationships build into polygamous relationships?
I’m looking for monogamy. I’m a one person at a time kinda girl. I want to be that persons everything and he in return would be mine. We will give 100% of ourselves all of the time. It may unfortunately not work out. We can only hope our love can last forever, if we are happy, but you can’t force love. It either works for you both or it doesn’t.
I’ve never cheated on anyone. I’d rather realize and discuss the breakdown if it ever got to the point that something was lacking and I was tempted to look elsewhere to fulfill a void.
I have been cheated on but then it’s time to move on.
Could it be an age thing in wanting monogamy?
I think there’s a lot of power when 2 matched souls come together, add another person to the mix and it feels like it would diminish and complicate the feelings of being one complete couple.
Each to their own.
These are just my thoughts on this interesting conversation.
After over 2000 years of monogamy being idealized, and still over 70% of peopel admit that they have cheated. I think that humans are animals, and by our naure we are nto generaly wholly monogamous. But, that does nto mean it is not something to strive for.
I think in a relationship, whether monogamous or not,more important is the need to be hoenst with each other. If you talk to divorced persons, it usually isn't the cheating itself, but the lies about the cheatign which really made the partner feel betrayed and caused the end of hte relationship.
So, if you want to try for monogamy, it is best to look at thing srealistically, that it is unlikely. You cna agree to try, but shoudl also agree to be honest if one (or both) of you isn't. Wtih honesty your changes or remainign together are far better.
In polyamy too, it is also best to always be honest with our partner(s) if you want and expect things to last.
I think we (mostly Americans) have had it so ingrained into our psyche that monogamy is "normal" by the Christian religion, that polyamory has a negative and abnormal aura about it for many people. I have never been in a polyamorous relationship and don't know if it would work for me or not. I think if everyone entered into such an arrangement with full honesty and openness and old prejudices didn't enter into the mix causing jealousy and creating other complications, it could work.